Enter Supplier Payment Address


This activity is used for connecting payment methods to electronic payment addresses to the supplier's payment institutes.

A supplier can have a number of payment methods connected. To each payment method you are able to connect one or more electronic payment addresses. Electronic payment addresses are defined for File Transfer payment methods.

The layout of the Electronic Payment Address window and the required info to enter depend on the payment format connected to the payment method.


This activity requires that a payment method has been connected to the supplier in the section Payment Methods in the Supplier/Payment tab.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, electronic supplier payments can be made to various payment institutes. The entered address will be visible in the Electronic Payment Addresses section in the Supplier/Payment tab.



Related Window Descriptions

Supplier, Supplier/Payment, Electronic Payment Address


To enter a supplier payment address:

  1. Open the Supplier/Paymenttab.
  2. Select the applicable payment method. Right-click and choose Electronic Payment Addresses...
  3. In the Electronic Payment Address window that opens, enter a new address by choosing New. Please note that the layout of the window and the required info depend on the payment format connected to the payment method.
  4. Enter the required information.
  5. Select the Default check box for the payment address that should be used by default for the payment method.
  6. Save.