Cancel Mixed Payment


The Cancel Mixed Payment activity is used to cancel an approved Mixed Payment. It is not possible to use the Rollback function for payments created from a mixed payment. You have to cancel the whole mixed payment, which will rollback all the included payment transactions. If transactions include interest and fine, these amounts will also be reversed by this activity. You can then use the Copy Cancelled Payment activity to copy a canceled mixed payment and enter another one.


This activity requires that information has been entered in the General tab and Transaction tab in Mixed Payment activity. The mixed payment must be in the Approved status.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the mixed payment will be canceled in the system. All included payment transactions are reversed and a voucher with postings adhering to the original voucher is created in the hold table in IFS/Accounting Rules. If several companies are involved, a separate voucher is created for each company. The multi-company payment is created, if the mixed payment to be canceled includes customer or supplier payments which have been matched with ledger items in other companies or, if it includes direct cash payments with manual postings in other companies.


Mixed Payment

Related Window Descriptions

Mixed Payment

Cancel Mixed Payment dialog box


To Cancel a Mixed Payment:

  1. Open the Mixed Payment window. In the General tab, query for the actual payment to be canceled. Right click and click Cancel.
  2. The Cancel Mixed Payment dialog box appears.
  3. Click OK to cancel the payment.