One-Time Customers

One-time customers are customer IDs that can be used to keep a record of the different customer addresses where there is no need to follow-up on the total sales and other figures per name and address.

Customer specific information like name, address, tax number, AR customer contact information and electronic bank address can be entered when an invoice for a one-time customer is created. This information is valid for all invoices which are connected to this specific one-time address ID. In the proposals for reminders, interests, payments and difference notices as well as in payment orders, invoices of one-time customers are grouped by one-time address ID, i.e. each one-time address is considered as an individual customer. The one-time specific information is used in the correspondence with one-time customers grouping only items with the same one-time address ID in one document.

One-time customers are supported in Financials only. It is possible to enter and update one-time specific information with the following processes:

  1. Instant Invoice
  2. Manual Customer Invoice
  3. External Customer Invoices (no update of existing one-time information)
  4. Customer Analysis / Ledger Items
  5. Customer Payment Proposal Details

One-time specific information includes the following details:

  1. Customer name
  2. Customer address
  3. Document tax information like tax number
  4. AR customer contact name, communication method and value 
  5. Output medium
  6. Payment method
  7. Electronic payment address

Each new one-time customer information automatically gets a one-time address ID which will serve as invoice and delivery address ID of the invoice. If a payment method is connected to the invoice, the one-time address ID will also be used as payment address ID. It is possible to reuse an existing one-time address ID for another invoice of the same one-time customer, e.g. when a credit invoice or a difference item must be created. When details of the one-time information are modified, the changes will be applied to all invoices using this one-time address ID.

All one-time customer information can also be viewed and updated for customer basic data except for the output medium and for the communication ID in the event several communication IDs are linked to a one-time address ID. The output medium and the relevant communication ID can be viewed and modified only in the one-time specific information connected to the invoice.

The one-time specific information overrides the default values of the customer master record after the invoice is created. At invoice entry the default values from the master record will be suggested. It is possible to define different one-time customer identities with different default values like default tax codes or default language to get the most adequate suggestions. Information which is not one-time specific (like customer group or AR contact) will always be fetched from the customer master record and requires separate one-time customer identities where applicable. 

The following describes functionality specific to one-time customers in different processes: