About Setting Properties


Personal Properties

You can use properties to customize the appearance and behavior of windows and other objects. This provides an easy way to customize IFS Applications to suit your specific needs. Any changes you make to the properties are saved when you exit the application, and applied the next time you log on.

Almost all objects in IFS Applications have properties. To view or change the properties for any object, select Properties from the pop-up menu or from the File menu. There are also general properties that affect the behavior and functionality of the entire application. These application wide properties are called options. To view or change the application options, select Options from the File menu.

Each set of properties has several categories, displayed on individual tabs. For instance, object properties have four categories: Window, Table, Populate and Query.

After changing properties, you can click Apply to activate the changes, or OK to apply changes and close the property dialog.

All properties have standard settings entered by your System Administrator. You can change these settings. If the Administrator changes your standard settings, you will receive a message the first time you log on after the change.

You find more details from the Personalizing User Experience Index.

Application Options

Application options determine the overall appearance and behavior of IFS Applications, such as whether to show a status bar and what language to use. To view or change application options, start File / Options.

You find the related activity description here: Setting Application Options

Object Properties

Object properties determine the appearance and behavior of objects in IFS Applications, such as what columns to hide and what fields to include in a query.

You find the related activity description here: Using Object Properties