Print Template Definition Report


Use this activity to print the Template Definition Report. The report shows information on how a column template, a row template, or a report template is defined.


Before printing the report, the column template, row template, and/or report template must have been created, copied, or imported.

System Effects

As a result of this activity the report is displayed either on screen or printed. When the Include Sub Templates field is specified for a report, the column template and the row template will be included in the report. When the option is specified for a row template, then any row template rows will be showed as well.


Column Templates, Report Templates, Row Templates

Related Window Descriptions



Use the following procedure to preview/print the report:

  1. Open Column Templates, Row Templates, or Report Templates
  2. Find and mark the template you want to print the definition for.
  3. Select the Template Definition Report operation. This causes Order Report to open. Default values are displayed in the Report Parameters tab. Modify the values, if appropriate. The Include Sub Templates field can be specified for a report template or a row template.
  4. In the Distribution tab, enter information on the user/users you want to distribute the report to, if appropriate.
  5. In the Execute tab, enter information on the execution in background or scheduled, if appropriate. Default value is Online execution.
  6. Confirm the information.

Note! You can also print the report via Info Service/Order Report.