Create Tax Reconciliation Template


Use this activity to create a template for general ledger tax reconciliation report. The ownership of a template can be public or private. You can have only one default Public tax reconciliation template and the owner can have only one default Private template at a given time.


This activity has no prerequisites.

System Effects

This activity has no system effects.


Tax reconciliation Template

Related Window Descriptions

Tax Reconciliation Template


  1. Open the Tax Reconciliation Template window.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter an identity for the Template ID field.
  4. Enter a description for the template in the Description field.
  5. Select the ownership type for the template from the Ownership list. By default the ownership of the template will be Private.
  6. Select the Default check box if you want to make a template in Public or Private ownership belonging to an owner default. At a given time there can be only one default Public template and one Private template per owner.
  7. Click Save.
  8. The Column Name is system generated and you cannot modify this. At any given instance you can only have seven columns for a template. However, you can delete a column depending on your requirement and create one manually to replace the deleted column(s).
  9. Enter a description for each Column in the Description field.
  10. Select an operator from the Operator list for each Column created.
  11. If you have selected the operator Between then enter a value each for From Value and To Value fields. 
  12. The Values Exist check box will be selected, If you have selected the operator Incl Specific Values or Excl Specific Values and then right click and select Define Includes/Excludes Values option and have selected any items from Include/Exclude Values dialog box.
  13. If Include No Value check box is selected then account balances that are not connect to tax codes will be displayed. You can select this check box only for a single column and there shouldn’t be any tax code selection given for that particular column.
  14. Click Save.