Execute Revenue Calculation


This activity is used to calculate the revenue recognition for all the projects with the Active project status and the POC Revenue First or POC Income First revenue recognition method for the selected ledger and period.


System Effects

A revenue recognition procedure for an accounting period and ledger selection will be executed. The status will change from Capitalized to Revenue Calculated.

If there are no projects that require revenue recognition, status of the procedure will be changed to Posted/Closed and will be flagged as an Empty Revenue Recognition. If the procedure contains an Empty Capitalization, you will not be able to create an Empty Revenue Recognition on the same procedure.

A history log will be automatically created for the calculation for the projects included in the calculation with POC Method set to Project Progress. A log will not be created if a log with a date higher than the Valid Until date already exists for the period defined for the procedure.


Periodical Capitalization and Revenue Recognition
Revenue Recognition Project

Related Window Descriptions

Periodical capitalization and Revenue Recognition
Revenue Recognition Project


1. Open the Periodical Capitalization and Revenue Recognitions window.
2. Select the Procedure, right-click and then click Execute Revenue Calculation.