Configure Range of Credit Card Transactions


This activity is used to define a range of credit card transaction codes for which the configuration applies. Note that one transaction code can be linked to more than on credit card transaction. Therefore, the codes should be defined according to the relevant standards.

Using this activity, you can define configurations specifying the expense codes that should be used when registering expenses for the transactions as well as other features controlling the expense registration. Otherwise, if required, you can define a setup to exclude all the credit card transactions connected to these transaction codes from expense registration so that it will not be possible to register expenses for these transactions.


In order to perform this activity, expense rules and expense codes are required to be already defined in the Expense Rule window.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Credit Card Configuration

Related Window Descriptions

Credit Card Configuration


  1. Open the Credit Card Configuration window.
  2. Search or populate to find the configuration for which you want to connect transaction codes.
  3. Go to the Range of Transaction Codes tab and create a new record.
  4. Specify the transaction code range by giving values in the Transaction Code From and Transaction Code To fields. Enter values according to the relevant standards. Enter a description for the transaction codes in the Transaction Description field.
  5. If the credit card transactions connected to this transaction code should not be registered as expenses, you can select the Exclude from Balance check box.
  6. Save the information.

    If the Exclude from Balance check box is not selected:
  7. Select the Partial Balance check box if employees should be allowed to register expenses for only a part of the credit card transaction amount.
  8. Create a new record in the table to add expense codes.
  9. In the Expense Rule field, specify the expense rule from which you will connect expense codes to the configuration. Select a value from the list.
  10. In the Expense Code field, enter an expense code belonging to the expense rule selected in the above step. This expense code can be used when registering expenses for credit card transactions connected to this configuration.
  11. Specify the validity of the expense code's connection to the configuration using the Valid From and Valid To fields.
  12. Select the Suggestion Only check box in the tab header if the expense codes entered in the table should only be the recommended expense codes for expense registration. Otherwise, it will be mandatory to select from the expense codes you have listed in the table when the expense is registered.
  13. Save the information.
  14. Repeat the steps to add more expense codes to the configuration.
  15. Select the Default per Expense Rule check box for the expense code which should be used by default when registering expenses for credit card transactions connected to the configuration. You can have one default expense code per expense rule.
  16. Save the information.