Event Escalation

Escalation rules are defined for cases, tasks, or global solutions for a specific support organization. An escalation rule is valid for certain conditions which are determined by the change of status of the work item or any other modification made to the work item. One condition will start the escalation rule and another will end it. Note: Use the character "&" as an substitution marker for a parameter reference when adding a condition parameter to an escalation rule. For example: Enter "&OWNER" as value instead of an user name to get a generic reference to the parameter OWNER. Please note that this is not applicable for date and time parameters.

Escalation rules and notifications can only be defined for the predefined logical units - case, task, and global solution. Before creating an escalation rule, a template rule has to be created as basic data.  

Table below shows valid values for the parameter Event.

Parameter Logical Unit Values
Steal (same as Take Ownership)
CcCaseSolution Accept
Steal (same as Take Ownership)

Notifications are sent according to the escalation rules that have been defined. Notifications may also be used to inform responsible people according to agreed service level agreement times, like  maximum response time for cases or pre-defined due dates for tasks. Notifications enable you to inform responsible personnel about a status change in a case, task, or global solution. Time functions, receiver functions and calendar functions determine when the notification is sent, to whom it is sent to and the execution time.

The following functions are created by default when installing Escalation Handler:

Type Function Logical Unit Description
Time Functions Case Focus Date CcCase The focus date of the case.
First Reaction Time CcCase The first reaction time of the case. The first reaction time is found in the Case/Support Info tab.
Response Interval CcCase The response interval of the case. Response interval is found in the Case/Support Info tab
Response Time CcCase The response time of the case. Response time is found in the Case/Support Info tab. The  response time for the corresponding severity (1-4) registered on the case is used.
Due Date CcCaseTask The due date of the task.
Receiver Function Accepting Organization Manager CcCase
The manager of the organization the case/task/global solution is dispatched to. The manager is defined in the Support Organization Basic Data/Support Organization tab.
Accepting Organization User CcCase
The organization user in the organization the case/task/global solution is dispatched to The organization user is defined in the Support Organization Basic Data/Support Organization tab.
All Contacts CcCase
All the contacts defined on the case/task. Defined in the Case/Contacts tab.
Approver CcCaseSolution The approver of the global solution
Approver Supervisor CcCaseSolution The supervisor of the approver of the global solution.The supervisor for an assignee user is defined in the Support Organization Basic Data/Assignee tab.
Approver Work Group Manager CcCaseSolution The manager of the work group to which the approver of the global solution belongs to. The work group manager is defined in the Support Organization Basic Data/Work Group tab.
Assignee CcCase
The assignee that the case/task/global solution has been dispatched to
Assignee Supervisor CcCase
The supervisor of the assignee that the case/task/global solution has been dispatched to. The supervisor for an assignee user is defined in the Support Organization Basic Data/Assignee tab.
Assignee Work Group Manager CcCase
The manager of the work group to which the assignee (i.e. the person that the case/task/global solution has been dispatched to) belongs to. (The work group manager is defined in the Support Organization Basic Data/Work Group tab.)
Calling User CcCase
The user selected as caller on the case. The caller is the the person defined as  the caller in the Case/Contacts tab.
Case Owner CcCaseTask The owner of the case for which the task is created for.
Case Owners CcCaseSolution All the owners of the cases associated to the global solution,
Created By CcCase
The creator of the case/task/global solution.
Organization Manager CcCaseSolution
The manager of the organization to which the task/global solution belongs to. The manager is defined in the Support Organization Basic Data/Support Organization tab.
Owner CcCase
The owner of the case/task/global solution.
Owner Supervisor CcCase
The supervisor of the owner of the case/task/global solution. The supervisor for an assignee user is defined in the Support Organization Basic Data/Assignee tab.
Owner Work Group Manager CcCase
The work group manager of the owner of the case/task/global solution. (The work group manager is defined in the Support Organization Basic Data/Work Group tab)
Owner of Associated Cases CcCase Owner of cases associated to this case.
Owning Organization Manager CcCase The manager of the organization that owns the case. The manager is defined in the Support Organization Basic Data/Support Organization tab.
Owning Organization User CcCase
User of the organization that owns the case/task/global solution. The organization user is defined in the Support Organization Basic Data/Support Organization tab.
Queue Manager CcCase
The manager of the queue to which the case/task/global solution belongs to. The manager of the queue is defined in the Support Organization Basic Data/Queue tab.
Queue Members CcCase
The members in the queue to which the case/task/global solution is dispatched. Assignees are connected as members to a queue in the Assignee Detailwindow which can be opened from the Call Center/Basic Data/Support Organization Basic Data/Assignee tab.
Solution Owner CcCase The members in the queue to which the case/task/global solution belongs to. Assignees are connected as members to a queue in the Assignee Detail window which can be opened from the Call Center/Basic Data/Support Organization Basic Data/Assignee tab.
Calendar Functions Working Calendar CcCase
Used for notifications on escalation rules based on call center cases or tasks. The Working Calendar function makes sure the calculated time to send the notification is based upon:

1. Firstly, the calendar defined on the support key used for the case.
2. Secondly (and if no support key is defined for the case), the calendar defined on the earliest approved support agreement defined for the customer. 3.Thirdly (and if no support agreement exists for the customer), the calendar of the support organization owning the case.

Owning Org. Calendar CcCaseSolution Used for notifications on escalation rules based on call center global solutions. The Owning Org. Calendar function makes sure the calculated time to send the notification is based upon the calendar of the support organization owning the global solution.

A notification can be sent by e-mail and/or a SMS. Within the notification window you can define, for example, receivers, whether the notification should be an e-mail and/or SMS, subject, and the message of the notification which is to be sent when a particular escalation is activated. 

Dispatches are used to automatically dispatch cases, tasks and global solutions to certain support queues, according to the escalation rule under which it has been defined.