Update Company

[To Define Financials Basics]


Use this window to update an existing company with new basic data. Two typical scenarios are as follows:

It is important to note that only new basic data will be added to an existing company. Existing basic data will never be modified.

By default, the source for the update is the original source, i.e., a company template or an existing company. It is possible to select any template as the source for the update activity. If both the Source Company and Source Template fields are empty, then the company was originally created in a version of IFS Applications that did not handle Company Templates. This means that the source for the update must be defined manually.

By default, the update will not add any data to the company if basic data already exists. This is controlled by each basic data related Logical Unit.

The window also supplies the following features:

Activity Diagrams

Create/Update Company


Configure Update Company
Select Logical Unit
Generate Difference Template
Use Difference Template
Start Update Company
Create Company in All Components