Employee Self-Evaluation


This activity is used by employees to perform self-evaluation. Employees can evaluate themselves as well as specify details such as possible obstacles, achieved targets etc; for the set objectives, activities and general performance criteria.


In order to perform this activity, the objectives and general performance criteria is required to be already assigned to the employee.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Employee Objectives and Activities
General Performance Evaluation

Related Window Descriptions

Employee Objectives and Activities
General Performance Evaluation


Perform the following procedure to evaluate (rate) the activities connected to your objective;

  1. Open the Employee Objectives and Activities window and enter your employee ID. You can select your ID from the list.
  2. Select the respective evaluation period from the Performance Period field.
  3. Select the required objective in the Objective ID field.
  4. In the table of the window, select the required activity.
  5. In the Self Assessment Rating field, specify the rating for your activity. Select a rating using the list.
  6. Describe the activities and actions taken to meet your objective in the Self Assessment field.
  7. If required, change the status of objective in the Status field. Note that you can only change status in the ascending order of sequence. Also, promoting objectives (or activities) to a final status in the process is allowed for supervisors.
  8. Save the information.

Perform the following procedure to evaluate (rate) your objectives;

  1. Open the Employee Objectives and Activities window and enter your employee ID. You can select your ID from the list.
  2. Select the respective evaluation period from the Performance Period field.
  3. Select the required objective in the Objective ID field.
  4. In the Possible Obstacle field, enter any relevant data on setbacks you may encounter while trying to complete the objective.
  5. In the Self Assessment Rating field, specify the rating for your objective. Select a rating using the list.
  6. Describe the activities and actions taken to meet your objective in the Self Assessment field.
  7. If required, change the status of objective in the Status field. Note that you can only change status in the ascending order of sequence. Also, promoting objectives (or activities) to a final status in the process is allowed for supervisors.
  8. Save the information.

Perform the following procedure to evaluate (rate) your general performance criteria.

  1. Open the General Performance Evaluation window.
  2. Search or populate to find your employee ID. You can select your ID from the list.
  3. Select the required evaluation period from the Performance Period field.
  4. In the table of the window, go to the respective Performance Criterion.
  5. In the Self Assessment Rating field, specify the rating for your performance criterion. Select a rating using the list.
  6. Enter any comments you have  in the Self Assessment field.
  7. If required, change the status of performance criterion using the Status field. Note that you can only change status in the ascending order of sequence. Also, promoting performance criterion to a final status in the process is only allowed for supervisors.
  8. Save the information.

Note: The information which you are allowed to update/modify may be restricted according to the set up done in the Employee Access setup window.