Overview Employee Free Fields and Properties Data


This activity is used to view or modify employee free field information and property information registered using property codes which do not have multiple property fields defined. This is the same information registered for employees in the Employee/Employment/Free Fields and Properties tabs.


If user wants to view property information of oneself, the SELFACCESS property should be set to True in the Company Details/Property tab for the user's company.

System Effects

If new property information is registered for employees in the Employee Additional Information/Free Fields and Properties tab, the same information will be displayed in the Employee /Employment/Free Fields and Properties tabs.


Employee Additional Information

Related Window Descriptions

Employee Additional Information


To overview or modify employee free field information;

  1. Open the Employee Additional Information/Free Fields and Properties tabs tab.
  2. Query or populate to find the relevant free field information.
  3. The Property Code field displays the property code which has been used as a free field.
  4. The Field No field displays the description of the property code which is displayed as a free field in the Employee/Employment/Free Fields tab.
  5. If a free field value has been entered for the employee, it will display in the Value field.

To overview or modify employee property code information;

  1. Open the Employee Additional Information/Free Fields and Properties tab.
  2. Query or populate to find the relevant property information.
  3. The Property Code field displays the property code which has not been used as a free field.
  4. The Property Description field displays the description of the property code.
  5. If a property value has been entered for the employee, it will display in the Value field.

Note : You can also view whether the property code is of Employee or Person context and you can modify the valid period of the property information registered for the employee.