Go Through Employee Assistant Steps


Use this activity to go through a the steps offered by the assistant. Due to the high customizability of the assistant, you can see the steps in different order, with missing fields, with fields already filled in, or with whole steps missing. Because of that, the procedure part of the activity allows you to select the steps you need help with from a list of values. When you select the step, it's procedure will appear below. The procedure is written as if all available fields were enabled, so if you don't see some of the fields, don't worry.

If you do not want to fill in some of the steps in the assistant, click Skip. This will mark the step as skipped and allow you to continue working on other steps. If a step is mandatory, this option will be unavailable. Skipped steps can be revisited by selecting them from the step list. Entering any information in such a step will clear the "skipped" mark.
Note: Some optional requirements might be mandatory if the assistant configuration set them as such.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, employee information will be entered into the assistan.
Note: No information will be saved as the result of this activity.


New Employee

Related Window Descriptions

New Employee


Select the assistant step on which you want to receive instructions.
Note: The steps available are limited by the configuration you have selected in the previous activity. In addition, if you used a template or a draft, some fields may be filled in.

If you have selected an assistant template in addition to the configuration, some fields might be already filled in for you. This is only a suggestion and can be changed.
If you are going through the assistant with the intention of preparing a template, fill in only the fields that you want to be automatically filled in (as a suggestion) whenever the template is used.

Some steps which can be selected are available only if you have a relevant extension installed.

Assistant Step:

  1. In the Company ID field, enter the identifier of a company to which you want to add an employee
  2. In the Emp ID field, enter the identifier that will be assigned to the employee.
  3. In the Person ID field, enter the identifier of a person to whom the employment will be assigned.
  4. In the Title field, enter the title of an employee (e.g., Mr., Ms.).
  5. In the First Name field, enter the name of the employee.
  6. In the Last Name field, enter the surname of the employee.
  7. In the Middle Name field, enter the middle name of the employee (if applicable).
  8. In the Birth Name field, enter the surname given to the employee upon birth.
  9. In the Prefix field, enter a phrase which will precede name of an employee
  10. In the Alias field, enter an alias of an employee.
  11. In the Initials field, enter employee initials.
  12. Select the Protected Person check box if you want to protect personal data assigned to the Person who is being employed. What information is classified as protected depends on the configuration.
  13. In the Internal Display Name field, enter the name which should be displayed internally in windows which use only a single field for the name of the employee.
  14. In the External Display Name field, enter the name which should be displayed externally in windows which use only a single field for the name of the employee.
  15. In the User ID field, enter the identifier of a foundation user used to log on to the application. This will connect the foundation user to the Person who is being employed.
  16. In the Card No. field, you can enter a card number that is readable by a data capture device. If a data capture equipment reads this number, it will automatically connect it to the ID of the employee. This functionality is used, for example, in IFS/Time and Attendance.
    Note: The number of characters registered here should be the same as the number of characters, which the terminal reads. If necessary, fill out the number with zeros at the beginning.
  17. In the Default Language field, select a language that will be connected to the Person and used by relevant IFS Components (such as suggested language when printing an invoice).
  18. In the Signature field, enter employee's signature.
  19. In the Internal Remark field, enter any internal remarks you might have on the employee. This information will be visible in the Employee window.
  20. In the Public Remark field, enter any information which you want to make publicly visible on e.g. intranet.

Once you have filled in all the necessary information, select a different step or proceed to the next activity on the diagram