[IFS/BA End User Help Guide]

IFS Business Analytics Toolbars

Main Toolbar

Main Toolbar Icon Description
This is used to log in to IFS Business Analytics. If you have already logged into the application the user name will be shown here. By clicking the downward arrow, you can re-login to the application.
Go to Design Use this option to switch to the Design mode where you can change or view the design of the report. The user should have design rights to use this option.
Run Report Starts the report execution process. This option may be disabled if the designer have chosen to disable execution in the report mode.
Load Report Opens the Load Report from Database dialog box. Use this to view a saved report.
Order Report Opens the Published Reports dialog box. Use this to view a published report.
Manage Archive Opens the Manage Archive dialog box. Use this to modify reports that are saved in the archive when exporting a Microsoft Excel report.
Export Opens the Export to Excel Report dialog box. Use this to save and/or email an Excel report from the BA report. You can also save the BA report in the BA Export Archive to be used when importing from the Excel report.
Import Opens the Import from Excel Report dialog box. Use this to import data from an Excel report to a BA report.
Writeback When this icon is clicked, it will write back the modified values in the writeback configured cells to IFS Applications. The icon will be active only if Modified Writeback is enabled in design mode
Writeback All Data When this icon is clicked, it will write back all the values in the writeback configured cells to IFS Applications. The icon will be active only if Complete Writeback is enabled in design mode.
Document Actions Use this top open or close Document Actions pane.
Report Options Opens the Report Options window. Users can view the options in report execution.
Settings Opens the Report Settings window to view IFS Business Analytics general options used.
Access Type Opens the Used Data Access Types dialog box. This lists down the data access type used for all information sources in the report design.
About Displays the About IFS Business Analytics dialog box. Use this to view information about version and build date.
Help Displays the online help for Report mode.

Document Actions Pane

Report Book Toolbar Icon Description
Go to Design Use this option to switch to the Design mode where you can change or view the design of the report. The user should have design rights to use this option.
Run Starts the report execution process. This option may be disabled if the designer have chosen to disable execution in the report mode.
Parameters This is used to view any parameters which have been applied to a report.
Writeback Opens the Writeback sub-section of the pane. This can be used to writeback data to IFS Applications.
Debug If the debug console has been enabled in design mode, this will list the request/ response times and the data set information.
Recent Reports This shows the last four reports executed and gives the option to open view more executed reports.