Import Data


This activity is used to import external data to a BA report. Only values of measure items and light items entered in the BA report design which are writeback enabled cells can be replaced with external data.

Once the external data is imported, the data values can be written back using the Writeback functionality of IFS Business Analytics.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the target BA report (i.e. the BA report open when the import is carried out or the BA report retrieved from the BA export archive) will have the values of its writeback enabled cells replaced with the external data from the Excel report imported.

Related Process Model

Analyze Report

Related Activity


  1. Open BA client and log in. (Note: if you want to import data to a BA report that is saved in the local disk, then open the BA report from the local disk.)
  2. Click Import in the IFS Business Analytics Ribbon to open the Import from Excel Report dialog box
  3. Click Browse in the Source File tab to select the Excel report that is updated with the external data to be imported.
  4. Select the Sheet Selection check box to view all the sheets of the Excel report. The Selected check box will be selected for all the sheets by default.
  5. Clear the Selected check box for the sheets you do not want to import.
  6. Click on the Target BA Report tab.
  7. Select Report from BA Export Archive. Then select Re-execute Before Import only if required. (Note: Layout changes that could result in values being imported to incorrect locations may occur if the BA report is re-executed before import.). Select Current BA Report if you initially opened the BA report to which external data should be imported (refer step 1).
  8. Click Import to close the dialog box and import the external data.