Using Microsoft Excel Functions in IFS Business Analytics

IFS Business Analytics is a tool which will enable you to use Microsoft Excel as a business intelligence tool which can be used to design and analyze reports using information from IFS Applications. It is possible to use most of the Microsoft Excel features within IFS Business Analytics. The purpose of this document is to overview some of these features and provide you a guide on Microsoft Excel with IFS Business Analytics.

This document includes some Microsoft Excel functionalities that are fully supported by IFS Business Analytics, partly supported by IFS Business Analytics with limitations or not supported at all. If you need more information on a certain Microsoft Excel feature, refer Microsoft Office online help. This document is intended for use by an advanced user of IFS Business Analytics.

Microsoft Excel functions in IFS Business Analytics

No Function
1 Lookup
2 Offset
3 Match
4 Transpose
5 Subtotals

Microsoft Excel features in IFS Business Analytics

No Feature Comments
6 Protect Worksheet/Protect Cell Password protection is not supported in IFS Business Analytics 3.0.
7 Auto-Filter Not supported in IFS Business Analytics 3.0.
8 Freeze Panes  
9 General Microsoft Excel functions (i.e. formatting, color) Formatting should be applied only to the design section of a report and not to the complete row or column.
10 General Microsoft Excel features (i.e. Undo, Redo)  
11 Show Formulas in IFS Business Analytics  


  1. Lookup

The Lookup function searches for a value in the first column of a table and returns a value in the same row from another column in the table. The Lookup functionality is supported by IFS Business Analytics in all relevant conditions. Lookup is supported within the same sheet, between work sheets and between workbooks. It is possible to use VLOOKUP (vertical lookup) and HLOOKUP (horizontal lookup) within IFS Business Analytics.

Example: Retrieve the budgeted values for accounts from the fixed table above to the table with the repeater (cell E15) for the respective accounts. This formula can be given to a fixed table in the same sheet or a fixed table in a different sheet.


Example: Retrieve the budget values of an account from a repeater to a fixed table.  



Example: Retrieve the budget values for specified accounts from a repeater to a fixed table in a different worksheet. 





Note that the lookup function is not possible to be performed for a repeater in a repeater when the repeaters are in different sheets.




  1. Offset

The Offset function returns a reference to a range (specified number of rows and columns from a cell or range of cells). The reference that is returned can be a single cell or a range of cells. You can specify the number of rows and the number of columns to be returned.

Offset and Sum Offset in IFS Business Analytics works similar to Microsoft Excel. It can be given to fixed tables or a repeater in the same worksheet, between worksheets or between workbooks. Always the reference cell of the formula need to be a cell out side the design row/column.

Example: In the following figure, the Offset function is used to return the value containing in a particular location given in the formula. For example, OFFSET (D6,1,1,1,1) is interpreted as (start from cell D6, go down one cell, go right one cell, take 1x1 area from the current location). The resulting cell in this case will be E7 and the value returned, therefore will be 2000.

The Sum Offset function is used in the figure to return the total of the cells included in a particular location. For example, SUM(OFFSET(D6,1,1,5,1) will select a 5x1 area from cell E7 (same logic above) and return the total of all the values in the cells included in that area. 



  1. Match

The Match function searches for a specified item in a range of cells, and then returns the relative position of that item in the range. A range is defined as two or more cells in a work sheet and they can be adjacent or nonadjacent.

Match function in IFS Business Analytics works similar to Microsoft Excel. This function can be given in the same worksheet, between worksheets or between workbooks. Match function is used to identify the position of an item either in one row or one column. Therefore, the Match function cannot be used in a range that includes more than one row or column, i.e. it cannot be used when a fact is given both a row repeater and a column repeater.  When using the Match function with inner repeaters, the formula needs to be given in a way that the array includes the row before and after the design row.

Since sorting is not supported in IFS Business Analytics when executing the report to get the closest higher/lower value, the formulas need to be given in the end user mode. In the Designer mode, sort ascending/descending happens as per the repeater row criteria. It is not possible to give further ascending/descending instructions for any other column/row. Therefore, only exact matching is facilitated via the designer mode. If you need to search for a value less than or more than the lookup value then, you need to sort the data ascending/descending in the executed mode or else you will only get the last matching item as the result.

Example: In the following figure, initially the Match function is used to locate the position of an exact account balance. You can also see that the Match function is then used to locate the position of an account balance which is the closest to 1000.



When using to match with an inner repeater, the formula needs to be given in a way that the array includes the row before and after the design row.

Example: In the figure below, the design exist from row 6 to 7, so the Match function formula is given to include rows immediately above and below the design rows (row 5 to row 8).



  1. Transpose

The Transpose function returns a vertical range of cells as a horizontal range, or vice versa. Transpose must be entered as an array formula in a range that has the same number of rows and columns respectively. Use Transpose to shift the vertical and horizontal orientation of an array in a worksheet.

The Transpose function in IFS Business Analytics works similarly to Microsoft Excel. When you execute a report you need to go to the Transpose Result and highlight the desired location where the result is required to be displayed. Then press F2 and then press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to get the desired result.

Example: The following figures show how the Transpose function is used to convert a column repeater displaying balances for the cost of premises (each month's cost in separate column) to rows displaying the same (each month's cost in a separate row) .



  1. Subtotals

The Subtotal function is used to return a subtotal for a list. It is generally easier to create a list with subtotals using the Subtotals command in the Data menu. Once the subtotal list is created, you can modify it by editing the Subtotal function.

In IFS Business Analytics, the Subtotal formula can be given in the designer mode and executed, but the formula needs to be edited in a way that it will only include one cell as the reference cell of the formula. When executed in the end user mode it will expand appropriately and will be displayed in the correct ranges.

Example: The following figures show how the Subtotals function is used to calculate the amount totals per each account group and account type in the accounts list.


Note 1: In order to get the summery rows below the details, go to Data/Group and Outline/settings and change the settings accordingly.

Note 2: Grouping is also supported in IFS Business Analytics. i.e. what is grouped in the designer mode shows as a group in the end user mode. As mentioned in Note 1 the settings can be changed for grouping as well.


  1. Protect Workbook/Sheet/Cell

To prevent anyone from accidentally or deliberately changing, moving, or deleting important data, you can protect a certain worksheet or workbook elements, with or without a password. Microsoft Excel passwords can be up to 255 letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols. All passwords entered are case sensitive.

Excel protect sheet/cell or workbook is supported with limitations in IFS Business Analytics. When you protect the design of a report, the end user mode is also protected. Protection can be removed in both design and end user modes. Protection will enable/disable editing for formatting and editing ranges. This work similar to Microsoft Excel. Protection with password is not currently supported in IFS Business Analytics.

  1. Auto Filter

Filtering is a quick and easy way to search and work with a subset of data in a range. A filtered range displays only the rows that meets the criteria you specify for a column. This is referred to as a filter criteria. The Auto Filter function is not supported currently in IFS Business Analytics.

  1. Freeze Panes

You can view two areas of a worksheet and lock rows or columns in one area by splitting or freezing the panes. When you split panes, you will be able to scroll in both areas of the worksheet, while rows or columns in the non-scrolled area remain visible.

Freeze pane is completely supported in IFS Business Analytics. When freeze pane is applied in the design mode and executed, the end user mode also shows the applied freeze pane.

  1. General Microsoft Excel Formatting

General Microsoft Excel formatting such as bold, color, underline, font, border, alignment are allowed in IFS Business Analytics. However, When using Microsoft Excel 2003 column repeater should not expand for more than 256 columns.

  1. General Microsoft Excel Features

When you perform an action in Microsoft Excel either by entering some contents into a cell or formatting of cells you can reverse this action by Undo or you can re-perform an already undid action by using Redo. You can undo and redo up to 16 actions in Microsoft Excel.

Undo and Redo is not supported in IFS Business Analytics designer mode except for any formatting done such as bold and highlight. However when using Microsoft Excel 2007 a single undo is supported in the designer mode. However, both Undo and Redo are fully supported in IFS Business Analytics End User mode.

  1. Show Formulas in IFS Business Analytics

The formulas relating to the drag and drop contents can be viewed using this feature. You can switch between displaying formulas and their values on a worksheet. Following shortcuts can be used:

This feature is fully supported in IFS Business Analytics. In the design mode when you press CTRL + ` (grave accent), it will show the display items used in the design. Once executed it will still show in the formula mode. You need to press CTRL + ` (grave accent) to revert to the normal mode.