[IFS/BA Designer Help Guide]

About Design Sections

Design Sheet

Design sheets are Microsoft Excel worksheets with additional IFS defined design controls such as sheet repeaters. A single design sheet may result in one or more Microsoft Excel sheets when the report is executed. A report can also have many design sheets with their own attributes. Design sheets consist of design rows and/or design columns. These design rows and/or columns are made up of cells, the same way it is in Microsoft Excel. You can assign filter criteria to a design sheet. The filter criteria of a design sheet overrides the filter criteria of the report book.

Design Row

Design rows are Microsoft Excel rows with additional IFS defined design control such as repeaters. A single IFS design row may relate to one or more rows within a Microsoft Excel sheet. A design row helps in the process of finding information and constructively formulate this information and present it to the end user. A unique identity can be given for every design row created in a design sheet. Filter criteria given for a design row will override the filter criteria given for a report book or design sheet.

Design Column

Design columns are Microsoft Excel columns with additional IFS defined design control such as repeaters. A single IFS design column may relate to one or more columns within a Microsoft Excel sheet. A design column helps in the process of finding information and constructively formulate this information and present it to the end user. A unique identity can be given for every design column created in a design sheet. Filter criteria given for a design column will override the filter criteria given for a report book or design sheet.

Design Cell

Design cells are Microsoft Excel cells with additional IFS defined design control such as filter criteria. This is the most detailed level in a report. A unique identity can be given for every design cell created in a design sheet. Filter criteria given for a design cell will override the filter criteria given for a report book, design sheet, design row or design column. You can also define zoom-in, drill-down and writeback information for a design cell.