Add CO Lines and Corrective Actions
Connect/Disconnect CO Action and Object


Use the Change Order/Actions tab to register Change Order (CO) lines and actions. A CO can be divided into one or more CO lines, which in turn can be divided into one or more CO actions. You can register, view, edit, and delete CO lines and CO actions. You can describe, plan, maintain and follow up on the actions and steps that must be done to accomplish the change. The upper table is used for registering information about CO lines, while the lower table is used for registering information about CO actions.

Generate Details and Actions automatically generates one Change Order Line and one Change Order Action for each part connection in the Change Requests listed in the Based On tab.


The CO must have been created.

System Effects

The CO lines and actions can be followed up and analyzed.


Change Order/General

Related Window Descriptions

Change Order/Actions


  1. Open the Change Order window and query for the CO for which you want to add lines and actions to, and click the Actions tab. Alternatively, you can also select the required CO in the Change Orders window. Right click and select Change Order in the menu, from which you can access the Actions tab.

To enter a CO Line:

  1. Create a new line in the upper table and enter a CO Line number.
  2. Enter a description of the CO line. The information and responsible fields can be entered either now or later.
  3. Save the new CO line.

To enter a CO Action:

  1. Select a CO Line in the upper table.
  2. Create a new line in the lower table.
  3. Enter an Action Number, Description, Progress, and a Cause. You can use the List of Values to select a valid cause.
  4. Enter planned hours or planned cost as required.
  5. Save the new action.
  6. If you want to connect the CO action line to a project activity where it will report cost and hours to the project, you need to connect the planned cost or the planned hours you entered to a project cost element. You can use the List of Values to select an appropriate cost element.

There are two ways of connecting a CO Action to an object - either via the CO Action or via the object.

Alternative 1: Connect CO Action and object via the CO Action

  1. Select the CO Action in the lower table and right click to select the Connect Object menu option .
  2. Select the type of object you want to connect in the Object list in the dialog window. The window will be populated with the available objects of the selected type.
  3. Select the required object.
  4. Click OK. The CO Action is now connected to the object and is available in Connected Object/Change Actions from the object.

Alternative 2: Connecting object and CO Action via the object

  1. Select the object to be connected to the action. For example, to connect an engineering part revision to a CO action, populate Engineering Part Revision with the required part.
  2. Click the Attachments, then select the Change Actions link.
  3. Insert a new record and select the CO Number, CO Line, and Action Number. You can use the List of Values to select appropriate values.
  4. Save the changes.
  5. You can now access the CO directly by clicking on the CO Number field and then using the standard zoom functionality (Shift + F9). This will open the Change Order window.

There are two ways of disconnecting object and CO Action:

Alternative 1: Disconnect object and CO Action via the CO Action

  1. Select the CO Action in the Change Order/Actions tab.
  2. Select the right mouse button menu option Remove Object Connection.

Alternative 2: Disconnect object and CO Action via the object

  1. Select the object to be disconnected. For example, to connect an engineering part revision to a CO action, populate Engineering Part Revision with the desired part.
  2. Click the Attachments, then select the Change Actions link.
  3. Remove the record for the CO you want to disconnect from the object.
  4. Save.