Design Project Delivery Product


The purpose of the IFS Project Delivery module is to administrate and monitor a project's design, manufacturing, and assembly. A typical IFS solution with the IFS Project Delivery module contains the following:

The modules mentioned above constitute the ‘extended’ version of the IFS Engineering solution. In a complete installation, IFS/Distribution and IFS/Manufacturing should also be included.

Business Solution Interconnection

Below is an illustration of the interconnection between various main processes and the corresponding IFS modules.

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Life Cycle Management Support

IFS/Project Delivery focuses on managing the product's delivery structure and its connections to delivery project activities. The module

Use the module to formulate the product design, i.e., sketch a product using a combination of existing 'library components' and new parts developed for the project. You can copy activities and product definitions from any similar project to facilitate the design and tender processes. Project activities can be connected directly to the emerging delivery structure, providing a link for relevant information about the project plan to the delivery structure.

When the tender becomes a contract, the implementation project begins and the engineers can begin detailed plans for the product. The module supports material requisitions of long lead-time items as a parallel activity to the detailed project planning.

Once your delivery structure is established, you can obtain a complete Material Procurement List. This list is fed directly into IFS Distribution as material requisitions. The parts can be purchased or manufactured with the support of IFS Manufacturing. When assembly starts, the system tracks those parts that have completed the design phase and have been assembled, tested, or installed. Activities are connected to the product structure to accomplish this tracking. The As Delivered product structure gives a complete survey of the components of the delivery structure, e.g., parts, serial numbers, and structure. Complete documentation is linked to the appropriate object with corresponding tag number information. This information acts as an information base for future projects.

Overview of Main Processes


A delivery project can be seen as a number of processes such as tendering, design, material procurement, assembly, testing and hand over. Each process is project oriented and can evolve during the project. These processes usually work on the same set of data and can run in parallel.

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Illustration of the overlap in duration of each process in the life of a delivery project.


The tender process helps you plan the costing of the product.

Using this solution, you can reuse information from other projects by copying activities, delivery structures, or selected parts to your new project. By using this composite of both existing and newly designed parts, you can quickly have a first version of the new product with the data available as you continue working in the detailed design phase. Cost for the complete delivery structure can be calculated at this stage for input in the price calculation.

Selected characteristics like total weight or total power consumption can be calculated on any level of the delivery structure. Projects or subprojects can be copied as well, using actual costs from earlier projects as estimated costs for the new project in the calculations.

If a similar part exists in other projects, you can select the best suited part by using a 'best fit search' on the characteristics that are of greatest importance for the function of that part.

Detailed Design

In this phase, you can add more detailed information, and parts and/or documents can be revised or replaced. IFS PDM Configuration can be used to create generic parts/designs that can be copied into the delivery structure. The delivery structure can also have a reference to standard parts in the IFS PDM Configuration module.

A plan of all project tags can be entered in this stage.

At this stage, the project plans must be further developed and the budget frozen if baseline analysis is required.

Material Procurement

All parts belonging to a requirement activity have a scheduled required date according to the start date of the activity. When you run the Material Procurement List calculation, you receive a complete survey of the total material requirement for your project including required dates. Calculation results are more accurate as assembly activities are added at a more detailed level.

When the design of a part or a module is approved, the material can be obtained by using standard functions for manufacturing the parts, reserving them from inventory or purchasing them.

Project planners can monitor the material requisition process.


Requirement activities can be connected to the delivery structure. The activity's start date is used as the required date in the material procurement list. Functions from IFS Distribution are used in order to obtain the parts in time.

As the first parts arrive and the assembly activities are carried out at the project site, you can change status on your project items from designed to realized. Information regarding serial numbers can be added at this stage.

If the part design is in question, an Engineering Change Request can be entered in the system. By considering several requests and analyzing the delivery structure, an Engineering Change Order could be issued to handle all actions that must be taken.

Pertinent documentation can be attached directly to the serial number.


It might be necessary to assemble, test, and disassemble in house before moving the product components to the final site where assembly and testing is repeated. Activities and the status of these project items can be entered directly in the product structure.

Project Payment and Valuable Assets

At project completion, project payment is made. In addition to this asset, you also have the data in your system. This information has significant value if you are asked to deliver additional equipment, spares, or services to the project or if you plan to deliver similar products in the future.

Since the data in your system is perfectly suited for the IFS Maintenance system, your customer has the option to include a maintenance system as a part of the delivery. This maintenance system includes maintenance plans and schedules.


The terms used in the help files are defined below.

Term Explanation
Part Definition of any component in the product on any level.
Product Structure A compilation of parts organized in a hierarchical manner
Delivery Structure The Product Structure used in a project
Project Item A part that is used in a particular project.
Serial number A part can be used to manufacture several copies. Each of these individual components is given a serial number for identification. Such parts are called serial numbers in this manual.
Standard Part A part as it is designed or specified in IFS/PDM-Configuration.
Standard Product Structure A compilation of standard parts organized in a hierarchical manner
Tag An address in the product structure. As the product is maintained, several parts can sequentially be used as replacements in one single tag position.
Material Procurement List The result of the gross material requirement calculation, i.e., all parts that must be purchased or manufactured in order to complete the delivery structure.
Requirement Activity An activity from IFS/Project can be connected to a project item. The activity determines the need dates for material when calculating the gross requirement.

Overview of Project Delivery Functions

Delivery Projects

This function is used to identify the delivery projects in IFS Project. Use this as a starting point to navigate to product and part information. Information in this function includes:

Project Product

Use this function to register your delivery project. The connection between the project plan and the delivery structure is registered here. You can specify tags and copy or insert the parts to be used. You can also generate and view the material procurement list, and send material requests to IFS Distribution. This function includes:

Overview - Project Serials

Use this function to view a survey of all defined serial numbers and which project serials are connected to manufacturer and supplier.

Project Functions

Use this function to view a survey of all occurrences of functions in projects.

Spare Parts

Use this function to view a survey of all parts used as spare parts in projects.


This function lists the users that have not approved the current step for objects in the approval process.

Project Item

This window is accessed by selecting the Project Item Info menu item in other windows. Use this function to maintain the delivery structure. The function includes the following information about a project item:

Functions for creating and deleting entire delivery structures are based on earlier projects or the standard structure. A report is available to display structure and document connections for delivery items.

Project Delivery Basic Data

Use this function to view the basic information including a list of the template parts in IFS Distribution and a survey of standard parts that can be used as a basis for serial numbers.

Integration with other modules