Project Item Cost and Hours

Standard Level and Standard Roll Up

Supply option




Shop Order


Standard Level

Level cost is retrieved in the following hierarchy:

  1. Cost set 1 values from IFS Costing.
  1. If no inventory part exists, Calculated cost in Engineering Part Revision.

Level hours is retrieved in the following hierarchy:

  1. Routing operations defined in Manufacturing Standards for the corresponding part.
  1. If no inventory part exists, work hours from Engineering Part Revision.

Standard Level

Level cost is retrieved in following hierarchy:

  1. Supplier price.
  2. Cost set 1 values from IFS Costing.
  1. Inventory value of the inventory part.
  1. Estimated material cost of inventory part.
  1. If no inventory part exists, Calculated cost in Engineering Part Revision.

Hours are not retrieved from inventory parts when supply option is Purchase.

However, if work hours are defined in Engineering Part Revision and no inventory part exists, it is retrieved to the Project Item Hours.
Project MRP

Standard Roll up

Cost is retrieved in following hierarchy:


For Manufactured parts:

  1. Cost set 1 values for the whole structure from IFS Costing.
  1. If no inventory part exists, Calculated cost in Engineering Part Revision.


For Purchase parts:

  1. Supplier Price.
  2. Cost set 1 values from IFS Costing.
  3. Inventory value of the inventory part.
  4. Estimated material cost of inventory part.
  5. If no inventory part exists, Calculated cost in Engineering Part Revision.

Hours are retrieved in following hierarchy:


For Manufactured parts:

Hours are retrieved in the following hierarchy:

  1. Routing operations defined along the whole structure in manufacturing standards.
  1. If no inventory part exists, work hours from Engineering Part Revision.


For Purchase parts:

Hours are not retrieved from inventory parts, if it is a Purchased part.

However, if work hours are defined in Engineering Part Revision and no inventory part exists, it is retrieved to the Project Item Hours.
Standard Planned

Standard Roll up

Cost is retrieved in the following hierarchy:

  1. Inventory value of inventory part.
  2. If no inventory part exists, Calculated cost in Engineering Part Revision.

No hours are planned for the project from standard planned parts.



Standard Roll up

Cost is retrieved from the Engineering Part Revision.

Hours retrieved from the Engineering Part Revision.

In order to retrieve values from Engineering Part Revision, default cost elements should be entered in the Project Delivery tab in the Project window.

Project Level Override/Project Override

Values for Project Level Override and Project Override need to be entered manually. Values in the Project Override field will override the calculated values on the current and lower levels in the project product structure. Values in Project Level Override will override the Standard Level, but they will be ignored if the corresponding Project Override field has a value.

Project Roll Up

Project roll up is calculated when right-clicking and selecting the menu option Calculate Cost and Hours, based on the values in Standard Level, Standard Roll Up, Project Level Override and Project Override. A detailed description of this calculation can be found in Calculate Project Item Rollup Cost/Hours.
Child items in the Project Delivery structure, if any, of parts with supply option Project MRP and standard planned parts are not considered in the Project roll up calculation. Project roll up is based on standard roll up and override values.
For supply options Shop Order and Purchase, child items in the Project Delivery structure are considered in the Project Roll up calculation. Project Roll up is based on standard level values and rollup values of the child items. Overrides are also considered.