Demand Plan Server/Scheduling

[To Demand Planning]


Use this window to set up and schedule jobs. The window always contains 11 jobs; it is not possible to add or delete any.

Activity Diagrams

Define Demand Planning Data


Define Scheduling


Job Select which job you want to schedule.

Job ID The ID of the scheduled job, not possible to change.

Scheduled Type: Indicates how often the job is scheduled to run. Possibilities are:

Time Parameters Collection that has to do with when a job is to be ran

Scheduled Date This is the next date the job is to be ran, when you define a schedule this can be both in the future or past, if you defined the date in the past the DP server will start running the job immediately after it stats up. The DP server updates this date

Scheduled Time This is the time of the Scheduled Date the job will be ran.

Scheduled minute Only used with the Minute Scheduled Type and indicates the minutes between each time the job is ran.

Job Started The DP server will write the date and time when it starts running the job

Write Back Done When the job is finished and the data is written back to the database the DP server will log the date and time when done in this field.

Status This field, job started and write back done is used to be able to send warning messages from IFS if a job has not finished normally, you can also configure to get a message when the job is finished normally. See Scheduled Jobs Alarms

Only Job Qualify

Number of Qualification Periods The number of period to look back from the current periods when qualifying / disqualifying forecast parts

Minimum Number of Transactions within Range to Qualify Parts The minimum number of transactions a non forecast part must have to become a forecast part in a qualify run

Maximum Number of Transactions within Range to Disqualify Parts The minimum number of transactions a forecast part must have to stay put as a forecast part in a qualify run

Only Job Forecast Writeback File

Backup Path The path on a disk drive that should be used for backups

Number of Backups The number of backup files that should be kept in the backup path

Only Create Forecast

Refresh Data When checked the DP server will perform a Refresh DP data job when running the Create Forecast job. Doing this will increase the time it takes to run the create forecast job. Not necessary if you have scheduled the Refresh DP Data job separately.

Create In Release When checked all parts will be in state Released after the create forecast job is ran. All parts will then be visible in the EE Demand Forecast Client if they are published to the user.