Select Query Toolbar

[To Demand Planning]


Use this toolbar to create and work with queries. A query can either give a list of parts matching the query you can then select among the matching parts by clicking on then in the result window. A query can also give a group result you can then manipulate the adjusted forecast or other lines for the total aggregated query result the same way that you will do with a group selection. You can also use the copy down feature with the group function from the query, note that you can only copy the selected parameters down to base flow parts, the parts effected by the copy down is listed in the list view of the query toolbar when you push the group button.

Saved Queries: The top of the toolbar is reserved for loading and saving queries, the drop down combo box show a list over all saved queries both private and public. The save button saves the current query, delete deletes the current selected query.

There is also sorting options for queries, you can select where or not you want the list to be Ascending or Descending this is done in the Sorting column of the query dialog. You can also select the sorting rank in the # column, in the display column you select which fields that should be visible in the query result.

You can create a query in 2 ways Conditions and SQL. The conditions tab lists all available filed names and you fill in the conditions or values of your query. The available fields in the condition tab are:

Field: The name of the field


Operator Meaning
= Equals
> Greater
< Less
>= Greater or equal
<= Less or equal
<> Not equal
#CURRENT FLOW # Can only be selected in flow ID, when selected the query will search only within the selected flow in the select flow toolbar
; or , List operator, depends on the local settings of the PC.

You can also get help on setting your conditions by clicking on the drop down button at then end of each field.

Display : Check the check box on the fields you want to be visible in the query result.

#: The sorting rank of the field

Sorting: Here you select if the field should be sorted in Ascending or Descending sort order.

If you chose to type in a SQL Query, the syntax is similar to normal SQL see query for details on operators and fields. If you enter a query in the conditions tab and the select the SQL tab you will see how your entered condition looks in SQL.

Toolbars may be turned on/off in the View/Toolbars menu.

Activity Diagrams





Save Opens the save query dialog for saving of the current query
DeleteDeletes the current selected query
Clear Clears all the fields in the query / empties the query.


Group Sums all parts that matches the query into one 'group' of parts, the result can be manipulated in the Demand Planning GUI as for any other group selection.


List List's all the parts that matches the query, the list is displayed in the result view.
Accu/Vola Graph Shows the error analysis graph for all the parts matching the query. The graph is shown in the Result part of the query panel. See the Forecast Performance Graph or the Accuracy vs Volatility graph for a detailed explanation of the graph
Configure Opens the Configure Search Fields dialog box, that allows you to setup the which fields and the order of the fields in the Query panel.


This window contains:

Saved Queries:  Here you save and see all previously saved queries


Write your query in this field, the layout of the query is inspired by SQL. A simple query can be of the form "FLOW_ID = 1 and MAPE > 20", this will give you a list over all parts that has MAPE bigger than 20 in flow 1. Here is a list over fields and operators that are available in the query.


This is the button view where you select which type of action you want to perform with the current selected query. Group, List, Graph or Configure is the options. Group gives a sum of all parts matching a query you can then perform actions to this sum as it was a group criteria. List gives you a list over matching parts in the result window, you can then select which of the matching parts you want to take a closer look at. Graph displays the Forecast Preformance Graph. Configure opens the configure search fields dialog box were you descides which feilds that should be vissible in the query dialog and their sort order.


This window lists out all parts that is matching the Query when the list button is pushed. When the group button is pushed the list will show all base flow parts that will be changed, even though the query is written on a combined flow. If you click on a part in the result window that part is selected by the Demand Plan Client. The Part number is listed in the first row the second row is the flow id. The Forecast Preformance Graph is also displayed here.