Define Used ISO Codes


When you are installing the Application Services component, there are some ISO Codes for Countries, Currencies, Languages and Units automatically preinstalled in the system. For all of these four categories, you have to define which you want to be able to use in the system. Additionally you can also add ISO codes for countries and currencies, if required. You are also allowed to specify user defined units, you want to use in the system.

All tasks included here is to be managed by a system manager or an equivalent person.


Country codes from the international list of ISO Codes are automatically preinstalled and new countries can be user defined, if required. These countries can then be selected to be used in the application.

Afterwards all country codes that have been selected to be used in the application, are available in every place they could be used in all installed components.


Currencies from the international list of ISO Codes are automatically preinstalled and new currencies can be user defined, if required. These currencies can then be selected to be used in the application.

Afterwards all currency codes that have been selected to be used in the application, are available in every place they could be used in all installed components.


All language codes from the international list of ISO Codes are automatically preinstalled and available to be selected to be used in the application. We use ISO 639-1:2002 of the ISO 639 series of International Standards for Language Codes and the list of language codes will get updated if ISO 639 standards are modified.

Afterwards all language codes that have been selected to be used in the application, are available in every place they could be used in all installed components.


About 300 of the most common units from the international ISO Code lists ISO 31, ISO 1000 and ISO 2955 are automatically preinstalled and are available to be selected to be used in the application.

You are also able to enter user defined units, you want to use in the system. A user defined unit is not existing as a standard unit, but is a unit you still want to use in the system.

Some of the units in the system are base units. All units used in the system are always connected to a base unit. If you want to you can enter new base units.

You can also use base units to see the relation between different units:

Afterwards all predefined units and all the user defined units that have been selected to be used in the application are available in every place they could be used in all installed components using units from Application Services.