Create Tools and Facilities Type


This activity is used to register the various types of tools and facilities that can be planned on operations in IFS/Vehicle Information Management or on work orders, PM actions and standard jobs in IFS Maintenance.



System Effects


Instruction Basic Data
Tools and Facilities Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Instruction Basic Data
Instruction Basic Data/Tools and Facilities Type
Tools and Facilities Basic Data
Tools and Facilities Basic Data/Tool and Facilities Type


  1. Open the Instruction Basic Data window or the Tools and Facilities Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Tools and Facilities Type tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. Enter the ID of the new tool or facility type in the Tool/Facility Type field.
  4. Enter the description of the new tool or facility type in the Tool/Facility Type Description field.
  5. Enter the cost per hour for the new tool or facility type in the Hour Cost field.
  6. Enter the currency in which the cost per hour is to be measured in the Currency field.
  7. Save the record (F12).