Description of Set Up Basic Data Accounts Receivable

Description of process

The Description of Set Up Basic Data Accounts Receivable process describes BDR (Basic Data Required) for running the main processes Invoicing and Customer Payments. Check or/and add information according to the activities in the set up process before you start to work with the application. To be able to run all sub processes in Invoicing and Customer Payments, IFS/Invoice, IFS/Payment, IFS/Project, Reporting and IFS/Customer Order must be installed. The following set up information contain basic data required for running the processes linked to IFS/Invoice and IFS/Payment.

Click the action symbols in the set up process to view detailed description on each activity.

Check and add information as described below:

Information concerning the sub processes included in the Invoicing and Customer Payments  processes are found in each sub process. Click the notes symbol that appear in each sub process to view the text. The BDR (Basic Data Required) is also stated as a reminder when you click the requirement symbol.