Define Payment Format


This activity is used to define a new payment format that can be used in the company. Payment formats are connected to payment methods.


This activity has no prerequisites.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a user-defined payment format will be available to be connected to payment methods.


Payment Formats

Related Window Descriptions

Payment Formats per Company
Payment Formats


  1. Open the Payment Formats per Company window.
  2. Right-click in the background of the window and click Payment Formats to open the Payment Formats window. 
  3. Select Copy Payment Format right mouse button option. Enter the source format ID from which the details should be copied. Then enter the Format ID, Format Description and the Row Type of the new format in the Destination group box.
  4. In the Allowed Currencies field, enter the currency that you want to use with the payment format. The List of Values can be used to select an appropriate value. You can also enter the % sign in the Allowed Currencies field to make it possible to use all the currencies.
  5. Select a value from the list for the Party Type field.
  6. Enter a value in the Input / Output Type field.
  7. Select a value from the list for the Format Type field to specify the type of payment with which you want to use the payment format.
  8. Select the Repeatable Output check box if you want to make it possible to recreate the output from the payment order one or more times.
  9. Select a value from the list for the Format Instruction field to include an instruction on when to execute the payment in the payment format.
  10. Enter the ID of the file template that should be used to create the payment format in the File Template field if necessary. The List of Values can be used to select an appropriate template.
  11. Select Use as Customer Repayment check box if you want to use the payment format for customer repayment
  12. Enter a value in the Row Type field if necessary.
  13. Select the Payment Advice as a Single Print Job check box if you want to create separate print jobs for payment advice based on payment method, output media and language connected to each customer/supplier. If the check box is not selected, separate print jobs will be created for each customer/supplier.
  14. Select Generate Payment Advice check box if you want to print payment advice for the selected payment format.
  15. Save the information.