Connect Matching Identifiers to Message Codes


This activity is used to connect one or several matching identifiers to a message code in external payment parameters. This can be defined for a specific payment method and applies for payment transactions created from an external file which is imported with this payment method.

This activity is relevant only for payment methods which are linked to a payment format with a file template that is used to identify the type for payment depending on the message code. Furthermore, this set up is considered only for payment transactions which are created from payment formats for which identifiers are used to search for information in IFS/Financials (invoices, issued checks or pseudo codes) and to match the payment with the information found.

By selecting the identifier for a message code, you restrict the identifiers to be used for the matching of the payment transaction, provided that the payment transaction is created with a message code. If you do not select an identifier for a message code, the payment transactions of this message code will not be matched. After the identifiers have been connected, you need to enable this matching setup in the general matching parameters in order to use identifiers per message code, instead of using all identifiers defined for the payment method. Note: The additional identifier search string of the connected identifier, is also considered if an identifier should be used for the matching.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the identifiers that are connected to the message code will be used when the payment is matched in the external interface for payments.


External Payment Parameters

Related Window Descriptions

External Payment Parameters/Message Codes
External Payment Parameters


To connect an identifier to a message code:

  1. Open the External Payment Parameters window.
  2. Search for the external payment parameter for which a message code should be modified.
  3. Click the Message Codes tab.
  4. Search for the message code which you want to connect with one or several identifiers which are displayed in the upper part of the splitter window.
  5. Highlight line of the message code and the identifiers available for the message code will be displayed in the lower part of the splitter window.
  6. Select the Use Identifier check box for the identifier which you want to connect to the message code. You can also click Select All to connect all displayed identifiers to the message code. If you want to remove the connection between message code and all connected identifiers, the click Unselect All.
  7. Save the setting for the message code.
  8. Repeat steps 4-7 to connect other message codes, if applicable.
  9. Select the Only Identifiers Connected to Message Code check box in top of the window to enable the connections to use in the matching.
  10. Save the information.