Define External File Type Parameters


Use this activity to define available parameters associated with an external file type. The parameters are typically used when an external file is read or when an external output file is created, and the supplied values for the parameters are used as criteria for the process.

Available parameters are associated with parameter sets an these sets are referred to by the external interface.

If during the input or output process a component specific interface (API) should be called, e.g. as for external supplier invoices, then it is up to this interface to take care of the parameters and use them appropriately. However if the general interface (API) within the External Files toolkit should be used, typically when creating an output file from a view definition, then the supplied parameter values will be used as select conditions.


An external file type must have been defined.
It is not possible to add or modify parameters for system defined file types.

System Effects

The defined parameters for the external file type now be associated with one or several parameter sets.


External File Type Parameter Definition

Related Window Descriptions

External File Type Parameter Definition


  1. Open the External File Type window.
    Right-click in the header part and click External File Type Parameter Definition to launch the External File Type Parameter Definition window.
  2. Use the Available Parameters tab.
  3. Click New.
  4. Define the parameter number. The number defines the order in which the parameters will be presented in the External File Assistant.
  5. Define the parameter identity. The parameter identity must be recognized by the interface (API) that will receive the parameter after input.
  6. Define a description for the parameter. The description will be displayed during parameter input.
  7. Mark the Browsable Field if the parameter should enable launch of the general file browser in the client.
  8. Supply a text in the Help Text field if it is necessary to describe the purpose of the parameter.
  9. Supply a validation method in the Validate Method field if the parameter should be validated after input in the External File Assistant.
  10. Supply a view name in the Lov View field of List Of Values should be supported during input in the External File Assistant.
  11. Supply an enumeration method in the Enumerate Method field if available values should be displayed as a drop-down list during input in the External File Assistant.
  12. Click Save to save the definitions.