Define External File Type Details


Use this activity to define external file type details, i.e. detailed column definitions for each record type in the file type definition.

For each record type it is necessary to define the columns that the record type can handle. When file template details are defined for a specific file type then the details must specify how to handle each referenced record type and column.


Record types must have been defined for the file type to be able to define details.

System Effects

When the file type details have been defined then the file type can be tested. This requires a file template that is associated with the file type. Both the file type and the file template are necessary to be able to e.g. perform load of an external file. Use the External File Assistant or the External File Transactions window.


External File Type

Related Window Descriptions

External File Type
External File Column Definition


  1. Go to the detail section of the External File Type window.
  2. Click on the record types for which details should be specified, then right-click and click External File Column Definition.
  3. In the External File Column Definition window click New.
  4. Specify the following for each column to be part of the record type:
  1. Click Save to store the detail definitions.