Deductions and Discount from External Payment File

For external customer payments, you can include deductions and discount from the external file using the payment formats DEDUCTION and REMADV. Both payment formats can be used to import external payments and payment advice on file, provided by the customer. In the external interface, customer payment transactions are loaded and can be matched with the invoices from the file. These payment formats include a generic file template and, depending on the file format provided by your customer, amendments to the file template could be made. You can view the file template in the payment formats definition. The deduction amounts and/or discount amount from file override the deductions and the discount, that are normally calculated when the payment is matched with the invoice, i.e. the payment will be posted with the deductions and the discount from the file. This can be beneficial for you, if the payment of your customer needs to be accepted as it is, e.g. if your customer is a large purchasing association.

You can view the amounts loaded from the file for each transaction in the external payments. The calculated deductions and the calculated cash discount amount are displayed too and allows you to check the transactions for possible deviations. Discount Amount and Deductions from file is independent from each other, i.e. if there is no cash discount in the file, the discount is automatically calculated and used for the payment, although deductions from the file are retrieved and used in the payment. The same is also valid, if the file is without deductions but the discount from file is used.

When the deductions from the file should be used, it is required to set up the deduction rules in the external payment parameter for the payment method, that is used to load the external file. Each deduction amount in the file line must be connected to the relevant deduction rule of the deduction group by using the deduction identifier. The deduction identifier is the label for the deduction amount in the external file and/or in the external file template.

Example of deductions from file - deductions with labels in the external file of payment format REMADV:

The Deduction Group DGA could be defined e.g. with the Deduction Rules below. The paid invoice in this example has gross amount EUR 2000.

Deduction Rule Deduction
BON20 Bonus, 2 % from Invoice Gross Amount
DELC15 Delcredere provision, 1.5 % from Invoice Gross Amount

The deduction information in the file depends mainly on the file format provided by your customer and should include labels to indicate the sort of deduction amount. E.g. for the bonus deduction, the tag could be e.g. 38 in the file, for the delcredere provision, the tag could be 15E in the file. The line in the external file with deductions could be like below and illustrates labeled deductions; for example: paid invoice is CD9712345, paid amount 1930 EUR, deducted bonus 40 EUR (labeld with 38) and delcredere provision of 30 EUR (labeled with 15E). Refer to the  sample below:

Example of External File Line with deductions (only the relevant part is shown)
DOC+380::9+CD9712345^ #MOA+11:1930.00^ #MOA+124:11.18^ #MOA+165:70.00^ #DTM+137:20130311:102^ #RFF+CR:60096070639^ #AJT+15E^ MOA+165:30.00^ #AJT+38^ #MOA+165:40.00^

When you set up the deduction rules in External Payment Parameters, it is required to specify the deduction group first to which the deduction rules refer. For each deduction label (15E, 38, ...) in the file, enter the label as the deduction identifier and the relevant deduction rule in order to connect the deduction amounts from the file to the correct deduction rules in IFS/Financials. In this example, you should set up the deduction rules in external payment parameters as following:

Deduction Identifier Deduction Rule Deduction
38 BON20 Bonus, 2 % from Invoice Gross Amount
15E DELC15 Delcredere provision, 1.5 % from Invoice Gross Amount

When you load the external file, the first deduction from the file is recognized due to the deduction identifier 15E with deduction amount 30.00, the second deduction is recognized due to identifier 38 with amount 40. The external file layout of payment format REMADV supports currently up to 6 deductions.

The payment amount from the file is treated as net payment amount, i.e. the deductions are already considered. The deduction amounts from the file are treated as gross amounts including tax, i.e. if the deduction amounts on the file are net amounts, the tax amount is required to be added to the deduction in the external file template before the deduction amount is loaded in the external interface.

Note: When the external payment is loaded using the external file template of payment format REMADV, the deduction identifier 16E is used by default as the discount amount. If the discount amount is retrieved from the file, the discount is directly applied to the installment. The calculated discount is displayed in external payments, so you can check possible deviations.

Example of deductions from file - deductions without labels in the external file of payment format DEDUCTION

If in the advice file from your customer, the deductions are included without any identifying label for the deduction amount, because e.g. the amounts are at fix positions in the file, you need to define for each sort of deduction amount in the file also an unique deduction identifier in the external file template. This is prepared in the external file template of payment format DEDUCTION. This file layout supports two deduction amounts.

For example the line in the external file with deductions is given below. This illustrates deductions without any label; for example: paid invoice is 20130000008, paid amount 100 EUR (gross amount), deduction amount 1 which is delcredere provision of 2 EUR (tax amount is 0) and deduction amount 2 which is bonus of 2.38 EUR (net 2.00 + tax 0.38). The discount amount from the file is 3 EUR (net 2.52 + tax 0.48). In the sample below, the mentioned data are underlined.

Example of External File Line with deductions at fixed positions (only the relevant part is shown)
20130000008                        +00000010000+0000002520000048+0000002000000000+0000002000000038

In the external parameters you link the unique ID of the deduction identifier (1 and 2) to the corresponding deduction rule of IFS/Financials. In this way you assign clearly the deduction amount from the file to the correct deduction rule. The following example shows a possible definition. Note: The deduction percentages in this example results in a calculated deduction amount that is different to the deduction amount loaded from the file.

Deduction Identifier Deduction Rule Deduction
1 DELC15 Delcredere provision, 1.5 % from Invoice Gross Amount
2 BON20 Bonus, 2 % from Invoice Gross Amount

The deduction amounts from the file are treated as gross amounts including tax, i.e. if the deduction amounts on the file are net amounts, it is required to add the the tax amount to the deduction in the external file template before the deduction amount is loaded in the external interface. In the example, the amount for deduction 2 is 2.38 and includes the net amount 2.00 plus the tax amount 0.38. The deduction posted in the payment will be 2.38 as retrieved from the file. The calculated deduction according to the deduction rule BON20 in IFS/Financials is 2.00. The deviation of the deduction can be viewed in the deduction details of the external payment transaction.