Modify Posting Cost Group per Cost Bucket


After entering posting cost groups you can connect them to cost buckets. This activity is used to connect posting cost groups to existing cost buckets in the system.

If your cost bucket is already connected to another posting cost group, you can modify the connection through this activity. If you need to modify the posting cost group for several cost buckets, it is recommended that you change all of them at once. This is because modifying the posting cost group will result in generation of a lot of revaluation transactions through a background job.

Note: If your cost buckets haven't been entered as yet, you should use activity Define Cost Bucket to enter cost buckets and simultaneously connect them to posting cost groups.


System Effects

New posting cost groups will be connected to cost buckets. Revaluation transactions will be initiated for all parts in stock or transit with the Cost Bucket ID in its cost detail structure. Even if several buckets connected to a part are modified, only a single revaluation transaction is created per part record. All inventory value queries and reports will display new values.

Modifying the posting cost group will change postings already created on inventory transactions. Financially, the values will be moved from the old posting cost group to the new one.

Trans Code / Posting Event Description Direction Debit Posting Credit Posting
PCGCHG- Posting Cost Group change Remove value for old Posting Cost Group 0 M183 M1
PCGCHG+ Posting Cost Group Change Insert value for new Posting Cost Group 0 M1 M183
Trans Code / Posting Event Description Direction Debit Posting Credit Posting
PCGCHGTR- Posting Cost Group Change Remove value in transit for old Posting Cost Group 0 M183 M3
PCGCHGTR+ Posting Cost Group Change Insert value in transit for new Posting Cost Group 0 M3 M183
Trans Code / Posting Event Description Direction Debit Posting Credit Posting
CO-PCGCHG- Posting Cost Group cange Remove value for old Posting Cost Group Supplier Consigment 0 M183 M60
CO-PCGCHG+ Posting Cost Group Change Insert value for new Posting Cost Group Supplier Consigment 0 M60 M183


Modify Posting Cost Group

Related Window Descriptions

Modify Posting Cost Group per Cost Bucket


  1. Open the Modify Posting Cost Group dialog box.
  2. Select a site from the Site list box. All cost buckets existing in the site will be displayed. Any posting cost group currently attached to the cost bucket will be shown in the Old Posting Cost Group column.
  3. For a desired cost bucket click on the New Posting Cost Group field and click the List button. From the list of values, select a new posting cost group for the cost bucket.
  4. Repeat step 3 and connect new posting cost groups to as many cost buckets as required.
  5. Click OK.