Correct Errors And/Or Perform Manual Matching


This activity is used to correct errors identified in the process of validation and matching of a loaded Bank Administration Institute (BAI)  file. Once the errors are corrected, you can repeat the process of validating and matching the payment transaction information in the BAI file or manually match the payment transactions with invoices which already exist in the system. 


The errors must have been identified after a loaded BAI file has been validated and matched against the invoices that exist in the system. 

System Effects

The validated and matched payment transaction information in the loaded BAI file will be used to create a customer check payment  or a mixed payment.


Auto Cash Payment Transactions
Lockbox/Cash Account Transactions

Related Window Descriptions

Auto Cash Payment Transactions


  1. Open the Auto Cash Payment Transactions window and query for the relevant load ID.
  2. Make necessary changes on the Auto Cash Payment Transactions and Auto Cash Payment Transactions Totals tabs.
  3. If you want to manually match the payment transaction details with the invoices, select the line, right-click and and then click Invoices To Match. This would open the Invoices to Match dialog box. Enter the invoices that have to be matched with the payment transactions.
  4. Save the changes.