Document History

Historical events for each document revision can be logged in document history. By creating a document history log, events surrounding the document revision are preserved. The business logic automatically inserts new lines for each event. 

History events that are set to Enabled within the Document Basic/History Settings tab become the default settings for all document revisions. History events that are enabled in the Document Class Management/History tab override the default history event settings for the document revisions in a particular class. 

The standard events that result in a history line are given in the table below:  

Information Category Triggering Event
Information Adding history lines manually.
Status Change Changing the status (e.g., Approval in Progress, Approved, Released, Obsolete) of a document revision.
Created Creating a document title.
New Revision Creating a new document revision.
Checked Out Checking out a document file for editing.
Checked In Checking in a document file.
Access Modified Changing document access, e.g., from Edit to View.
Undo Check Out Undoing the checkout action after checking out a document file.  
Rejected Rejecting an approval step.
Approved Approving an approval step.
File Deleted Deleting the document file connected to the document revision.
Approval Step Removed Removing an approval step in the approval routing.
Connected Connecting a document revision to a document structure.
Disconnected Disconnecting a document revision from a document structure.
Object Connected Connecting an object to a document
Object Disconnected Disconnecting an object from a document
Document Transmittal Adding or removing a document from a transmittal.
Approval Step Modified Modifying an approval step.
File Status Reset Resetting the file status from Operation In Progress status. (Performed by the Docman Administrator). 
Locked Object Moved Moving a locked object from one revision to another revision.

History is viewed from the Document Revision/History tab. When a history line is automatically inserted, the Info Category field is set to the event that resulted in a history line. Manually adding a history line sets the Info Category field value to Information. 

History events can be sorted within the History tab by selecting one of the sort options. Selecting All (default) displays all history events for that particular document revision.

History lines cannot be deleted manually. However, deleting a document revision deletes that revision's logged history.