Define Multiple Delivery Overheads


This activity is used to register different delivery overheads and rates related to the following purchase objects:

When calculating the cost, the priority will be given according to the above order. The Supplier for Purchase Part tab in the Mutiple Delivery Overhead Setup window will be considered first. Then the system will check if the Add Delivery OH to the Purchase Part check box is selected. If it is selected the system will consider the Purchase Part tab. If it is not selected then the system will return with the overhead cost from the Supplier for Purchase Part..

If the Add Delivery OH to Supplier check box in the Purchase Part tab is selected or if no data exist for the particular part in this tab, then the delivery overhead cost from Supplier tab will also be considered.

When considering costs in the Supplier for Purchase Part and Supplier tabs, the supplier split functionality should also be regarded. If supplier split doesn't exist for a particular part, then the primary supplier will be used.


A cost element for delivery overhead with source element 141 must have been created.

System Effects

The  overhead rates and values specified for the cost set will be saved and the records valid for effective date for cost calculation will be used when calculating costs for the part.


Mutiple Delivery Overhead Setup
Supplier for Purchase Part
Purchase Part

Related Window Descriptions

Multiple Delivery OH Setup
Multiple Delivery OH Setup/Supplier for Purchase Part
Multiple Delivery OH Setup/Purchase Part
Multiple Delivery OH Setup/Supplier
Supplier for Purchase Part/Delivery Overheads
Purchase Part/Delivery Overheads


Supplier for Purchase Part Delivery Overheads

  1. Open the Mutiple Delivery Overhead Setup window and query for the cost element ID.
  2. Click the Supplier for Purchase Part tab and create a new record.
  3. Enter site, part number, supplier and cost set (except cost set 1) in the Site, Part No, Supplier and Cost Set fields respectively or select from the List of Values .
  4. In the Start Date field enter start date for the overhead (The correct start date should be entered to ensure a valid delivery overhead record is picked for effective date for cost calculation).
  5. If required, enter the end date in the End Date field (The end date should be entered correctly so that a valid delivery overhead record is picked for effective date of cost calculation).
  6. In the Overhead Rate field, enter the required overhead rate.
  7. In the Overhead Unit field select the overhead unit from the menu provided.
  8. If you want to include the purchase part delivery overheads defined for the cost set, click the Add Delivery OH to Purchase Part check box.
  9. Save the record.


  1. Open the Supplier for Purchase Part window.
  2. On the Delivery Overheads tab, create a new record.
  3. In the Cost Element ID field, enter the cost element ID or select from the List of Values.
  4. Follow steps 4 to 9 above.

Purchase Part Delivery Overheads

  1. Open the Mutiple Delivery Overhead Setup window and query for the cost element ID.
  2. Click the Purchase Part tab and create a new record.
  3. Enter site, part number and cost set (except cost set1) in the Site, Part No and Cost Set fields respectively or select from the List of Values.
  4. In the Start Date field, enter start date for the overhead. (The correct start date should be entered to ensure valid delivery overhead record is picked for effective date of cost calculation).
  5. If required, enter the end date in the End Date field. (The end date should be entered correctly so that valid delivery overhead record is picked for effective date of cost calculation).
  6. In the Overhead Rate field enter the required overhead rate.
  7. In the Overhead Unit field select overhead unit.
  8. If you want to include the supplier delivery overheads defined for the cost set, select the Add Delivery OH to Supplier check box.
  9. Save the record.


  1. Open the Purchase Part window.
  2. On the Delivery Overheads tab, create a new record.
  3. In the Cost Element ID field enter the cost element ID or select from the List of Values.
  4. Follow steps 4 to 9 above.

Supplier Delivery Overheads

  1. Open the Mutiple Delivery Overhead Setup window and query for the cost element ID.
  2. Click the Supplier tab and create a new record.
  3. Enter supplier, site and cost set (except cost set 1 ) in the Supplier, Site and Cost Set fields respectively or select from the List of Values.
  4. In the Start Date field, enter the start date for the overhead. (The correct start date should be entered to ensure that a valid delivery overhead record is picked for effective date of cost calculation).
  5. In the End Date field enter the end date for the overhead if needed (The end date, if needed, must be entered correctly so that a valid delivery overhead record is picked for effective date of cost calculation).
  6. In the Overhead Unit field select overhead unit.
  7. In the Overhead Rate field enter the required overhead rate.
  8. Save the record.


  1. Open the Supplier window.
  2. On the Purchase/Delivery Overheads tab, create a new record and enter the cost element ID in the Cost element ID field or select from the List of Values.
  3. Follow steps 4 to 8 above.

Note: The Effective Date field in All Levels Part Cost Calculation, All Parts Cost Calculation and One Level Part Cost Calculation dialog boxes will be used to sort the correct delivery overhead cost.