Copy Costs between Cost Sets


This activity can be used to copy costs from one cost set to another.

Note: You cannot use this function to copy costs into cost set 1. This optional task is to be performed by a system administrator or an equivalent person.

This allows you to create alternate cost sets for a part using the values defined for an existing cost set. This gives you greater flexibility in working with costs and allows you to influence how part costs are calculated. You can copy costs for the underlying structure and include only those parts whose costs have been approved.

One of the most common mistakes made when using IFS/Costing is that you forget to copy work center, labor, and/or subcontracting costs before calculating costs on a new cost set. You can easily avoid this fault by clicking Controls on the Copy Cost Set dialog box and then selecting the Copy Work Center and Labor Class Costs check box and the Copy Subcontracting Costs check box.

Note: If you select the Copy Work Center and Labor Class Costs check box, all costs for work centers and labor classes on the site are copied from the selected cost set to the destination cost set. Similarly if you select the Copy Subcontracting Costs check box, all subcontracting costs for outside operations are copied from the selected cost set to the destination cost set. The subcontracting cost for a particular cost set can be entered from the Subcontracting Cost window.

There are several ways to quickly copy a part:

For supplier delivery overheads defined in the source cost set, in order to copy supplier delivery overhead into the destination cost set, it is required to have the Copy Supplier Delivery Overhead check box selected. This activity can be performed in the Copy Cost Set dialog box as well as the Part Cost and Part Costs windows.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity: 


Copy Cost Set
Part Cost
Part Costs

Related Window Descriptions

Copy Cost Set
Controls for Copy Cost Set
Part Cost
Part Costs


To perform this activity in the Copy Cost Set dialog box:

  1. Open the Copy Cost Set dialog box.
  2. To change the default site, click List in the Site field and select the site whose costs you wish to copy from the List of Values.
  3. In the Cost Set From field, click List and select the cost set whose costs you wish to copy from the List of Values. 
  4. To copy costs from a group of parts, click List in the Cost Group field and select the part cost group whose parts you wish to copy.
  5. To copy costs from a specific part, click List in the Part No field and select the part from the List of  Values.
  6. If you specified a part in step 5, click List in the Struct. Alt. and Rout. Alt. fields and select the structures or routings whose costs you wish to copy.
  7. In the Cost Set To field, click List and select the cost set whose costs you wish to copy.
  8. Click Controls. The Controls for Copy Cost Set dialog box opens.
  9. Select the required check boxes based on the controls you need to enable and click OK.
  10. Click OK on the Copy Cost Set dialog box.


To perform this activity in the Part Cost or Part Costs window:

  1. Open the Part Cost or Part Costs window.
  2. Query for the part and cost set whose costs you wish to copy.
  3. Right-click the header and then click Copy Cost Set. The Copy Cost Set dialog box opens.
  4. Make sure that the relevant values for the particular part is available in the Part No, Struct Alt, Rout Alt, Site and Cost Set From fields.
  5. Follow the steps 7 onwards listed above.