Modify Contract Default Project/Activity for Contract


Use this activity to change the default project or activity on a contract.

Note that if Applications for Payment is used, the default project and revenue activity is used for posting application amounts and creating project invoices.

If Application for Payment is used and one or more applications that have not been submitted exist, it is recommended to cancel them and create new applications to make sure that all financials transactions are posted correctly using the new default project and/or activity. The report code must also be valid for the new project or activity.


If Application for Payment is used the default project cannot be modified if:

System Effects


Sales Contract

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Contract/Project


  1. On the Sales Contract/Project tab, locate the project or insert a new project.
  2. Enter a revenue activity or select from the List of Values.
  3. Right click on the line and select the Set as Default option to set the revenue activity as the default.
  4. Note that the Default Revenue Activity checkbox will get selected.
  5. Save the changes.