Define Line Hold Reason


This activity is used to define and maintain basic data for hold reasons. Hold reasons are used to explain why a component repair order line is set on hold. This could for instance be when unexpected faults appear during the repair process and the customer must decide how to deal with this. In the meantime you can set the component repair order line on-hold. Then, when a decision is taken, you can release the line and the repair process can continue with the next step. Interruptions are recorded in the journal on the component repair order and can be studied there.



System Effects

As a result of this activity, a line hold reason is defined in the system and can be used as an explanation when setting a component repair order line on-hold.


Component Repair Order Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Component Repair Order Basic Data/Line Hold Reason
Component Repair Order Basic Data


  1. Open the Component Repair Order Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Line Hold Reason tab.
  3. Create a new record.
  4. Enter the hold reason code. You can use a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters. Note that the ID cannot be changed after saving the record.
  5. Enter a hold reason description with a maximum of 200 characters.
  6. If needed you can add notes and comments for internal reference only. A note can be used as a means of forwarding information to someone who will process the object later.
  7. Save your record.