Define Authorized Part Certificate Approvers


This activity is used to register the personnel authorized to create part certificates. Only these employees are allowed to create part certificates for the selected approval type. Each maintenance organization must have one or more designated approvers who are authorized to sign part certificates.


System Effects

The authorized approvers can be selected from a list when the report aviation part certificate is generated. This is the person who is required to sign the part certificate.


Authority Approval

Related Window Descriptions

Authority Approval
Authority Approval/Authorized Approvers


  1. Open the Authority Approval window.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the required approval type and maintenance organization.
  3. Click the Authorized Approvers tab and create a new record (F5).
  4. In the Employee ID field, enter the employee you wish to authorize as a part certificate approver. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  5. In the Authorization No field, enter the authorization number for the employee.
  6. Save the information (F12).