Fleet Management Reports

Report Types

The following table shows a list of the various reports available for Fleet Management:

Report Explanation
AC FORM 8320-1 This is FAA Form AC 8320-1, aircraft/engine utilization report. This form is mandated by FAA for all 121/135.411 operators.
AD/NPRM/SB SUMMARY Within commercial aviation operators, it is a requirement to be able to generate overview of certain types of modifications and their applicability. This is a report which is commonly used in airlines under what is called the Continuous Analysis and Surveillance Program.
AIRCRAFT MONTHLY HOURS AND CYCLES TOTAL This is a report which shows the total utilization of vehicles (aircraft) pr. month in hours and cycles, as well as the total utilization pr. fleet (aircraft type) pr. month. The report will show the result for the requested month and the preceding 11 months.
AIRCRAFT MONTHLY HOURS CALCULATION CHART This is a report which shows the total utilization of vehicles (aircraft) at the end of a month, as well as the utilization in that report. It lists all vehicles and reports utilization in hours and cycles.
Aircraft Status This is a report which shows the current status of an aircraft. For more information, refer to the following section: Aircraft Status.
Airworthiness Directives-Current Status All aircraft operators are required to report the status of airworthiness directives (AD) to the authorities with a certain level of information. This report does cover that requirement, but also enables the same type of reporting on all types of modifications. This is a report which is commonly used in airlines under what is called the Continuous Analysis and Surveillance Program.
CRS Documentation: Work Cancelled This report provides a task-oriented view of all cancelled work related to a shop visit. It is available in Landscape A4 format.
CRS Documentation: Work Carried Out This report provides a task-oriented view of all work carried out during a shop visit. It is available in Landscape A4 format.
Component Statistics This is a report which shows statistics for faults on components in a given month. The report is grouped by vehicle (aircraft) type and function number, and shows information such as number of faults, mean and standard deviation.
FLEET MONTHLY HOURS AND CYCLES TOTAL This is a report which shows the total utilization of each fleet of vehicles (aircraft types) each month. The information is shown in hours and cycles, and shows both the total for a fleet and the average for the vehicles in that fleet.
FLEET UTILIZATION REPORT This is a report which for a given month shows the average daily utilization of vehicles (aircraft) by each vehicle and by fleet. The information is given in hours, cycles and the ratio between these.
FLEET UTILIZATION REPORT PER MONTH This is a report which for a given year shows the average daily utilization of vehicles (aircraft) by each month and by fleet. The information is given in hours, cycles and the ratio between these.
Fault History The report lists all repaired faults for a given serial.
General Maintenance This is a list which shows corrective maintenance activities.
Historical Operational Parameter Values This report will give a total operational history log with all values for a given serial. Data will be fetched from the operational history log and operational log values entered when tasks have been finished.
Maintenance Order Maintenance Order
Monthly Update Log This report is used to report the monthly utilization of engines pr. fleet of vehicles (aircraft) and pr. vehicle. It's used to communicate the information to the manufacturers and displays, for each vehicle, which engines are installed, number of hours, cycles, touch-and-go's etc.
Pending Maintenance Tasks Pending Maintenance Tasks
Pireps Statistics This is a report which shows statistics for faults reported by pilots (known as Pilot Reports) in a given month. The report is grouped by vehicle (aircraft) type and function number, and shows information such as number of faults, mean and standard deviation.
Running Maintenance Tasks Running Maintenance Tasks

If VIM Access Control is used

With the Access Control feature a number of fleet management reports will be affected. Access control for these reports will be handled in the following manner:

  1. If the report is ordered on a single serial or vehicle ID, a message will appear if you do not have access to the serial, and it will not be possible to view the report.
  2. If the report is ordered for several serials, the report will only display the serials to which you have access. The serials to which you do not have access will be filtered out of the report. For example, you order a report that includes Serial 100, Serial 101, and Serial 102, and you do not have access to Serial 101. The report you order will be created, and you can view Serial 100 and Serial 102, but not Serial 101 as you do not have access to the said serial. The following reports will be handled according to this occurrence:

For more information on the Access Control feature in IFS/VIM (IFS/Vehicle Information Management), refer the help file VIM Access Control.

Pending Maintenance Tasks

This report shows all pending tasks. It is available in Landscape A4 format. You can select pending tasks with the following conditions when ordering the report:

Condition Field Value Default Value Description
Part No Optional   The part number specified
Serial No Optional   The serial number specified
From Date Mandatory One month earlier The start date of the period for which pending tasks should be displayed
To Date Mandatory Today's date (i.e., system date) The finish date of the period for which pending tasks should be displayed

With the Access Control feature, you can only order pending maintenance task reports for the serials to which you have access. If you do not have access to the selected serial, a message will appear. 

Field Group Description
Part No Overview The part number of the selected serial
Serial No Overview The serial number of the selected serial
From Date Overview The start date of the period for which the report is ordered
To Date Overview The finish date of the period for which the report is ordered
Part No Detail The part number of the serial on the pending task
Serial No Detail The serial number of the serial on the pending task
Std Name Detail A description of the serial
Task No Detail The task number of the task
Task Code Detail The task code of the task
Task Desc Detail The task description
Task Date Detail The task date of the task
Cancel Task Cause Detail The cancellation cause of the task

Aircraft Status

For a specific aircraft, this report lists the current actual structure and all related maintenance requirements (maintenance codes, last maintenance, remaining and calculated due for all operational parameters). All serials/positions included in the structure of the aircraft down to the level specified when ordering the report will be listed. The main purpose of this report is to give a status at current date for all serials/positions in the structure that have maintenance requirements. All maintenance will be shown with last maintenance and next due. Note for serials/positions with convenience tasks, these tasks will be shown regardless of whether last maintenance exists or not.

The report is available in Landscape A4 format. The following table lists the selection criteria available when ordering the report:

Item Description
Vehicle ID The vehicle number for the aircraft.
Part Number The part number for the aircraft. If the vehicle ID is not specified, the part number must be entered.
Serial Number The serial number for the aircraft. If the vehicle ID is not specified, the serial number must be entered.
Structure Level The relevant level in the structure of the aircraft. Only numerical values can be entered. All serials/positions in the aircraft's structure down to the level specified in this field will be included in the report. A structure level must be entered before the report can be ordered.

The report has two parts, the report header and the report rows. In the report header, information about the main components of the aircraft, i.e., aircraft, engine and propeller, will be displayed. In order to identity the main components that are to be listed in the report header, the standard names defined in static report parameters will be used. The following parameters exist in the system in Static Report Parameters/Parameters for which standard names can be defined:

In the report rows section, for each serial in the structure the report shall show a row for each maintenance requirement. The following table briefly describes the fields that are found in the Aircraft Status report.

Field Description
Report Header
Vehicle ID The identity of the vehicle, i.e., the aircraft.
Product/Product Description The product number and description of the vehicle.
Model/Model Description The model number and description of the vehicle.
Part Number/Part Description The part number and description of the main components, i.e., aircraft, engine and propeller, in the structure of the vehicle.
Position The position in the structure where the component resides. Not valid for the main Aircraft component.
Serial Number The serial number of the components.
TSN/CSN The Time Since New and Cycles Since New for the operational parameters of the components.
Maint Prog ID/Rev/Description The identity, revision and description of the maintenance program connected to the components.
Maint Group/Description The identity and description of the maintenance group connected to the components.
Report Rows
Part No/Rev/Serial No/Position The part number, part revision and serial number of the serial in the structure. The position in the structure in which the serial is located is also given.
Part Description The part description of the serial.
TSN/CSN The Time Since New and Cycles Since New for the operational parameters of the serial.
TSO/CSO The Time Since Overhaul and Cycles Since Overhaul for the operational parameters of the serial.
Install Date/Oper Param/Work Order The most recent installation date and time when the serial was installed in the structure, the value of the operational parameter for the serial at the time of the installation and the work order number of the work order on which the serial was installed.
Maint Program ID/Maint Program Rev./Maint Group The identity and revision of the maintenance program together with the maintenance group valid for the serial.
Maint Code/Maint Code Description/Sub Part No/Sub Part Description/Sub Serial No The maintenance code and description for the maintenance requirement and the part number, part description and serial number of the sub serial belonging to the selected serial.
Last Maint Date/Oper param/Task Number/Work Order The date the last maintenance was carried out on the serial, the operational parameter for the serial, the task number of the maintenance task and the work order number of the work order on which the maintenance was done.
Maint Interval The operational parameter and calendar interval from the maintenance plan for the serial.
Calculation Type The calculation type for the maintenance requirement.
Planned Value/Oper Param/Due Date The calculated value for next due maintenance, the operational parameter used for the due calculation and the date the next maintenance is due.
Remaining +/- Value/Remaining Days The remaining +/- value in time or cycle as well as the number of days until the next maintenance.

Maintenance Order

This report shows the tasks for each order. It is available in Landscape A4 format. It is possible to select tasks with the following conditions when ordering the report:

Condition Field Value Default Value Description
Order No Mandatory   The order number specified.

With the Access Control feature, you can only order maintenance order reports for the serials to which you have access. If you do not have access to the selected serial, a message will appear. 

Field Group Description
Order No Overview The order number of the maintenance order
Part No Detail The part number of the serial on the running task
Serial No Detail The serial number of the serial on the running task
Std Name Detail A description of the serial
Task Date Detail The task date of the task
Task Code Detail The task code of the task
Task Desc Detail The task description
Maint Task Type Detail The task type

Running Maintenance Tasks

This report shows all running tasks. It is available in Landscape A4 format. You can select running tasks with the following conditions when ordering the report:

Condition Field Value Default Value Table
Workshop Code Optional   The workshop code specified
Part No Optional   The part number specified
Serial No Optional   The serial number specified
From Date Mandatory One month earlier The start date of the period for which running tasks should be displayed
To Date Mandatory Today's date (i.e., system date) The finish date of the period for which running tasks should be displayed

With the Access Control feature, you can only order running maintenance task reports for the serials to which you have access. If you do not have access to the selected serial, a message will appear. 

Field Group Description
Workshop Code Overview The workshop code for which the report was ordered
Part No Overview The part number of the serial for which the report was ordered
Serial No Overview The serial number of the serial for which the report was ordered
From Date Overview The start date of the period for which running tasks should be displayed
To Date Overview The finish date of the period for which running tasks should be displayed
Workshop Code Detail The workshop code of the workshop at which the running task is to be performed
Dept Code Detail The department code of the department in the workshop at which the running task is to be performed
Part No Detail The part number of the serial on the running task
Serial No Detail The serial number of the serial on the running task
Std Name Detail A description of the serial
Order No Detail The order number of the maintenance order from which the task is to be performed
Task Code Detail The task code of the task
Task Desc Detail The task description
Task Date Detail The task date of the task
Task Start Date Detail The actual start date of the task