Configuration Conditions

[About Configuration Structures] [About Routings] [About Back Office Configuration Rules]

[To MFG Standard]


Use this tab to define the conditions for this structure or routing element, depending on the configuration of the part. A condition is a rule in the form of a Boolean expression that will be evaluated when "exploding" or determining the details of a configured part's structure or routing element. If the expression is True, the structure or routing element is included.  If the expression is False, the element is excluded.  The absence of a condition (no conditions) indicates that the element is included.

Individual condition lines can be combined with AND or OR logical operators to create more complex conditions. Several conditions can also be grouped together using parentheses to form a single logical condition for evaluation. You can also compare the value of an optional characteristic against Null.

This window is divided vertically into two panes. You can resize these panes by dragging the split bar to one side or the other. The left pane contains the list of conditions for the structure or routing. The right pane displays a series of tabs. The data shown in these tabs provides lists of configuration family data, from which you can define conditions, including formulas and configuration characteristics.


Activity Diagrams

