Enter Secured Information


This activity is used to enter secured information. Secured information is information which is accessible only to users with access rights. Access rights are specified by the creator of the secure information or by the other users with access rights. Secured information could be information regarding internal customer installations or customer site specific information, e.g. internal codes. User access can be granted for single users or work groups. 


System Effects


Support Key

Related Window Descriptions

Support Key
Support Key/Secured Information


  1. Open the Support Key window and query for the relevant support key.
  2. Click the Secured Information tab.
  3. Create a new record.(F5)
  4. Optionally, change the value in the Secure Information inherited from Support field to import secured information entered in another support key. Use the List of Values to enter a suitable value.
  5. In the Secured Information field, enter an ID for the information.
  6. Optionally, enter the secured information in the text field. 
  7. Save the record. (F12)
  8. Right-click on the text area and then click User Access, the Secured Information User Access window opens.
  9. Double-click on the table to create a new record. 
  10. Select User or Work Group from the Type field.
  11. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value for the User Access field.
  12. Save the record. (F12)