Enter Flash Notes


Use this activity to create flash notes. Flash notes are used to display critical information to call center personnel. Notes with the Pop-Up Message check box selected will be displayed as a message when the relevant support agreement is selected when creating a new case. Notes with the Flash Message check box selected will be saved to call center cases created using the support agreement. The saved flash message is possible to edit via the Edit Flash Message right mouse button option on the Case window.


To perform this activity, a support agreement must have been created in the Support Agreement window. 

System Effects

As a result of this activity, flash messages or pop up messages could be used to display information to call center personnel.


Support Agreement

Related Window Descriptions

Support Agreement
Support Agreement/Flash Notes


  1. Open the Support Agreement window and query for the relevant record.
  2. Click the Flash Notes tab. Select a row on the lower table and double click on it (or Click F5) to create a record.
  3. Enter a value in the Note ID field.
  4. Optionally, enter a value in the Text field.
  5. Optionally, enter values in the Effective From and Expires fields.
  6. Optionally, select the Flash Message or Pop Up Message check boxes.
  7. Save the record(F12).