Close Task 


This activity is used to close the task. After the task has been investigated and the work on the task has been completed, it can be closed.


The task must be in the Complete or Open status. 

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the task will be closed. When the AUTO_COM_TASK_CASE system parameter is set to True, the case is set to Completed automatically when all the tasks on the case are completed or closed.



Related Window Descriptions

Close Task


  1. Open the Task window.
  2. Select the relevant case, right-click and then click Close. The Close Task dialog box opens.
  3. In the Completion field, enter the appropriate completion code before the status is changed.
  4. In the Task Work Folder field, enter the suitable work folder.
  5. In the Contact Notes Message field, enter the message for the contact, if necessary.
  6. Save the record.