Enter Benefit Plan Option List


Use this function to define the various options that comes with the benefit plans. Benefit plan contains options such as Employee, Employee+1, Family, Child, Waiver, 100.000USD, 200.000USD, 1xSalary, 2xSalary, 10%, 20%, 30% etc. Options valid for a certain type of benefits are gathered in an option list. Normally, one list is connected to a plan, however, you are allowed to use several lists to the same plan if you should find a reason for it.

Depending on the plans and the options you would like to present to the employees, you will need about one to five lists (of course, this is just an average number). 

In some cases you will not find that a list of options are not relevant. E.g., if the employee has the choice to enter an individual number or percentage, and you find that the list should be too long. In this case you may choose to use the N/A (Not Applicable) list not including any options. You are required to connect at least one option list to each benefit plan, which explains the need for the N/A list.   

The waiver options you are recommended to manage as separate plans linked to an option list with normally, only one option. Since each benefit plan is related to a provider, the waiver option list could be linked to plans with the own company, or the N/A company, entered in the provider field.  

System Effects

No specific.


Benefit Option List

Related Window Descriptions

Benefit Option List


  1. Investigate the available benefit plans and their options.
  2. Create a list for each group of options.
  3. Enter a descriptive name to the option list and add the options.