Authorize New Employee Enrollment


When the web pages for benefits self-service functionality are in use, the plan administrator has to authorize the employee's requests before they are updated in the employee files. The requests are managed separated from the effective employee plan enrollment. When authorized the new or changed plan information is transferred to the employee files.

The requests are processed through a set of states. The employee must set the request in state Confirmed before it is made available to the plan administrator. The administrator can then choose to set the request in any of the following states:

Authorized, the request is accepted and transferred to the Employee window.

Investigated, the administrator need to do some investigations before authorizing etc.  

Preliminary, the administrator sends the request back to the employee for supplementing the information.


Change Request

Related Window Descriptions

Change Requests


  1. Select the relevant rows in the Change Request window.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the header, and then click Authorize, Investigate, or Preliminary.