Enter Audit Group Data


This activity is used to define or edit audit groups. An audit group is used to group together a set of audits for viewing or analysis. Company level access can be set against the audit group. Examples of possible audit groups are sites and companies.



System Effects

As a result of this activity, new audit groups are defined or existing ones are modified.


Audit Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Audit Basic Data
Audit Basic Data/Audit Group
Basic Data Translation


  1. Open the Audit Basic Data window
  2. Click the Audit Group tab.
  3. Create a new record.
  4. In the Audit Group ID field, enter a short code for the audit group. Entering a value in this field is required.
  5. In the Description field, enter a description of the audit group. Entering a value in this field is required.
  6. Optionally, enter a note regarding the audit group in the Notes field.
  7. Save the record.

Note: An audit group can be set as obsolete so that it can no longer be used when creating new audits. Setting an audit group to obsolete will not affect existing audits connected to the audit group. To set an audit group to obsolete, select the Obsolete check box for the required audit group and save.

Note: You can translate the description into different languages using the basic data translation functionality. Select a record, right-click and then click Translation. In the Basic Data Translation window, enter descriptions per language.