Create Process Object Relation


This activity is used to add a process object relation for a design object. This can be done by adding a Process Object for a design object. This activity makes it possible to inherit physical property data, also known as process data, from the defined process stream object to a equipment object or a pipe object. Inherited process data from a stream object will form the actual operational requirements for the equipment object such as max, min and normal temperatures and pressures.

These requirement data values may be copied automatically from the stream object to the design object the first time the objects are connected to each other by the process data relation. If necessary cross reference configuration is done.


System Effects

Process object relations are established.


Design Object
Design Objects 

Related Window Descriptions

Design Object
Design Objects


  1. Open the Design Object or Design Objects window.
  2. Search for the design object for which you want to define a process object.
  3. In the Process Object field, enter the ID of the process object or use the List of Values to select a suitable object.
  4. Click Save.