Define System Variables


This activity is used to define system variables. System variables are parameters that can be set initially in the system and can be used to control certain asset design functions. These variables may be defined for usage in many standards and plants. For example, a system variable could define the Default Code Collection, among others, where as a set of other system variables could define the behavior of data transfer between IFS/Asset Design and IFS/Equipment. Likewise each system variable has its own system effect which should be identified and understood individually.


A standard and a plant should ideally, but not necessarily, be defined before defining system variables to ensure that the system variables apply to at least one standard and plant. 

System Effects

System variables are created which will apply to the defined standard(s) and plant(s).


System Variables

Related Window Descriptions

System Variables


  1. Open the System Variables window.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Standard field, use the List of Values to select a standard for which the system variable will apply or enter % to ensure that the system variable applies to all standards.
  4. In the Plant field, use the List of Values to select a plant for which the system variable will apply or enter % to ensure that the system variable applies to all plants.
  5. In the Name field, select a variable to define.
  6. In the Value field, enter the value the variable should take.
  7. In the Description field, enter a description for the variable and value.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Follow steps 2-8 to define additional system variables.