Create Design Part Tree View


This activity is used to create a tree view for design parts. A design part tree view is a configurable view of a single design part or collection of design parts and related entities in a tree-like structure. For example all design parts grouped by class with the Available design part status.

If the tree view is primarily created for design parts it is possible to define tree settings that will configure views based on classes, a top design part or a navigational model. Additionally it is possible to select a standard for which design parts will be displayed, set tree filters to include or exclude design parts of a depending on status and version, and define the tree presentation to your preference. Once a design part tree view has been created it can be viewed by expanding the Explore Design Parts node. Design parts in the tree view are named, by default, using the design part ID and description of the design parts


A standard for the design parts should exist.

System Effects

A design part tree view is created.


Tree View Configuration

Related Window Descriptions

Tree View Configuration
Tree View Configuration/Design Parts


  1. Open the Business Object Explorer.
  2. Click the Explore Design Parts folder, right-click and click New Tree View.
  3. In the Tree View Name field, enter the name of the tree view to identify the tree view in the Business Object Explorer. e.g. All Design Parts.
  4. In the Access group of fields, select the required level of access that you wish to confer on the tree view:
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the Design Parts tab, select one of the following options in the Tree Settings groups of fields:
  7. In the Standard field, enter the Standard for which design parts should be displayed in the Tree View. By default, the value of this field is the Standard of the User Default Plant. Use the List of Values to select a specific Standard.
  8. In the Design Part Status group of fields, select the check boxes for statuses as required, to include design parts in the tree view based on the status of the design part.
  9. Select the Display only the Latest Version check box to display the only the most recent version of a design part in the tree view.
  10. Select the Direct navigation check box to display child parts directly underneath the parent and not within relational folders such as Consists of and Belongs To.
  11. Select the Omit the More Information folder field to directly view additional information for a design part, such as related documents or design objects. If this check box is cleared, this additional information will be included by default in a folder called More Information beneath the design part.
  12. Configure the filter options for the corresponding business objects on the Design Object, Document, Equipment tabs, as required.