Copy Class


This activity allows you to copy class data, relations and properties from an existing class, the source class, to a new class, the target class. It is possible to define if class data, relations and properties from the source class should be copied to the target class.


A Standard and Class should exist.

System Effects

A new target class will be created and annexed to the target standard along with class data, relations and properties, if defined.



Related Window Descriptions

Copy Class


Using the Class or Classes window:

  1. Open the Class or Classes window.
  2. Search for the class from which you want to copy data. This will be the Source Class.
  3. Right-click on the class and click Copy Class. The Copy Class dialog box opens with values automatically set for the Source Standard and Class fields. 
  4. In the Standard field for the Target group of fields, use the List of Values to select an existing standard for which you want to annex the new target class.
  5. In the Class field for the Target group of fields, enter a name for the class that you want to create for the defined standard.
  6. Clear the Class Data check box, if you do not want the target class to inherit class data from the source class.
  7. Clear the Class Relations check box, if you do not want the target class to inherit class relations from the source class.
  8. Clear the Class Properties check box, if you do not want the target class to inherit class properties from the source class.
  9. Click Copy.

Using the Explore Standards/Classes node:

  1. Expand the Explore Standards folder.
  2. Expand the class from which you want to copy data.
  3. Right-click on the class folder and click Copy Class.